PAndA 2 : Analyzing Permission Use and Interplay in Android Apps (Tool Paper)
M.-C. Jakobs, M. Töws, F. Pauck, in: T.E. Ishikawa F, Romanovsky A (Ed.), Workshop on Formal and Model-Driven Techniques for Developing Trustworthy Systems, 2016.

Conference Paper
Jakobs, Marie-Christine;
Töws, ManuelLibreCat;
Pauck, FelixLibreCat
Ishikawa F, Romanovsky A, Troubitsyna E
We present PAndA2, an extendable, static analysis tool for Android apps which examines permission related security threats like overprivilege, existence of permission redelegation and permission flows. PAndA2 comes along with a textual and graphical visualization of the analysis result and even supports the comparison of analysis results for different android app versions.
Publishing Year
Proceedings Title
Workshop on Formal and Model-Driven Techniques for Developing Trustworthy Systems
School of Computing Science Technical Report Series
Cite this
Jakobs M-C, Töws M, Pauck F. PAndA 2 : Analyzing Permission Use and Interplay in Android Apps (Tool Paper). In: Ishikawa F, Romanovsky A TE, ed. Workshop on Formal and Model-Driven Techniques for Developing Trustworthy Systems. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series. ; 2016.
Jakobs, M.-C., Töws, M., & Pauck, F. (2016). PAndA 2 : Analyzing Permission Use and Interplay in Android Apps (Tool Paper). In T. E. Ishikawa F, Romanovsky A (Ed.), Workshop on Formal and Model-Driven Techniques for Developing Trustworthy Systems.
@inproceedings{Jakobs_Töws_Pauck_2016, series={School of Computing Science Technical Report Series}, title={PAndA 2 : Analyzing Permission Use and Interplay in Android Apps (Tool Paper)}, booktitle={Workshop on Formal and Model-Driven Techniques for Developing Trustworthy Systems}, author={Jakobs, Marie-Christine and Töws, Manuel and Pauck, Felix}, editor={Ishikawa F, Romanovsky A, Troubitsyna EEditor}, year={2016}, collection={School of Computing Science Technical Report Series} }
Jakobs, Marie-Christine, Manuel Töws, and Felix Pauck. “PAndA 2 : Analyzing Permission Use and Interplay in Android Apps (Tool Paper).” In Workshop on Formal and Model-Driven Techniques for Developing Trustworthy Systems, edited by Troubitsyna E Ishikawa F, Romanovsky A. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series, 2016.
M.-C. Jakobs, M. Töws, and F. Pauck, “PAndA 2 : Analyzing Permission Use and Interplay in Android Apps (Tool Paper),” in Workshop on Formal and Model-Driven Techniques for Developing Trustworthy Systems, 2016.
Jakobs, Marie-Christine, et al. “PAndA 2 : Analyzing Permission Use and Interplay in Android Apps (Tool Paper).” Workshop on Formal and Model-Driven Techniques for Developing Trustworthy Systems, edited by Troubitsyna E Ishikawa F, Romanovsky A, 2016.
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