Exact formulation of the transverse dynamic spin susceptibility as an initial-value problem
A. Schindlmayr, Advances in Mathematical Physics 2018 (2018).
Journal Article
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| English
The transverse dynamic spin susceptibility is a correlation function that yields exact information about spin excitations in systems with a collinear magnetic ground state, including collective spin-wave modes. In an ab initio context, it may be calculated within many-body perturbation theory or time-dependent density-functional theory, but the quantitative accuracy is currently limited by the available functionals for exchange and correlation in dynamically evolving systems. To circumvent this limitation, the spin susceptibility is here alternatively formulated as the solution of an initial-value problem. In this way, the challenge of accurately describing exchange and correlation in many-electron systems is shifted to the stationary initial state, which is much better understood. The proposed scheme further requires the choice of an auxiliary basis set, which determines the speed of convergence but always allows systematic convergence in practical implementations.
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Advances in Mathematical Physics
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Schindlmayr A. Exact formulation of the transverse dynamic spin susceptibility as an initial-value problem. Advances in Mathematical Physics. 2018;2018. doi:10.1155/2018/3732892
Schindlmayr, A. (2018). Exact formulation of the transverse dynamic spin susceptibility as an initial-value problem. Advances in Mathematical Physics, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/3732892
@article{Schindlmayr_2018, title={Exact formulation of the transverse dynamic spin susceptibility as an initial-value problem}, volume={2018}, DOI={10.1155/2018/3732892}, number={3732892}, journal={Advances in Mathematical Physics}, publisher={Hindawi}, author={Schindlmayr, Arno}, year={2018} }
Schindlmayr, Arno. “Exact Formulation of the Transverse Dynamic Spin Susceptibility as an Initial-Value Problem.” Advances in Mathematical Physics 2018 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/3732892.
A. Schindlmayr, “Exact formulation of the transverse dynamic spin susceptibility as an initial-value problem,” Advances in Mathematical Physics, vol. 2018, 2018.
Schindlmayr, Arno. “Exact Formulation of the Transverse Dynamic Spin Susceptibility as an Initial-Value Problem.” Advances in Mathematical Physics, vol. 2018, 3732892, Hindawi, 2018, doi:10.1155/2018/3732892.
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Exact formulation of the transverse dynamic spin susceptibility as an initial-value problem
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