Barendregt, Henk, “Foundations of Mathematics from the Perspective of Computer Verification”, in: Mathematics, Computer Science and Logic–A Never Ending Story, Cham: Springer 2013, 1–49
V. Peckhaus, Mathematical Reviews, MR3186722 (2014).
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Mathematical Reviews, MR3186722
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Peckhaus V. Barendregt, Henk, “Foundations of Mathematics from the Perspective of Computer Verification”, in: Mathematics, Computer Science and Logic–A Never Ending Story, Cham: Springer 2013, 1–49. Mathematical Reviews, MR3186722 . Published online 2014.
Peckhaus, V. (2014). Barendregt, Henk, “Foundations of Mathematics from the Perspective of Computer Verification”, in: Mathematics, Computer Science and Logic–A Never Ending Story, Cham: Springer 2013, 1–49. In Mathematical Reviews, MR3186722 (No. MR3186722).
@article{Peckhaus_2014, title={Barendregt, Henk, “Foundations of Mathematics from the Perspective of Computer Verification”, in: Mathematics, Computer Science and Logic–A Never Ending Story, Cham: Springer 2013, 1–49}, number={MR3186722}, journal={Mathematical Reviews, MR3186722 }, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2014} }
Peckhaus, Volker. “Barendregt, Henk, ‘Foundations of Mathematics from the Perspective of Computer Verification’, in: Mathematics, Computer Science and Logic–A Never Ending Story, Cham: Springer 2013, 1–49.” Mathematical Reviews, MR3186722 , 2014.
V. Peckhaus, “Barendregt, Henk, ‘Foundations of Mathematics from the Perspective of Computer Verification’, in: Mathematics, Computer Science and Logic–A Never Ending Story, Cham: Springer 2013, 1–49,” Mathematical Reviews, MR3186722 . 2014.
Peckhaus, Volker. “Barendregt, Henk, ‘Foundations of Mathematics from the Perspective of Computer Verification’, in: Mathematics, Computer Science and Logic–A Never Ending Story, Cham: Springer 2013, 1–49.” Mathematical Reviews, MR3186722 , MR3186722, 2014.
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