Construction of Fully CCA-Secure Predicate Encryptions from Pair Encoding Schemes
J. Blömer, G. Liske, in: Proceedings of the CT-RSA 2016, 2016, pp. 431–447.

Conference Paper
Blömer, JohannesLibreCat;
Liske, Gennadij
This paper presents a new framework for constructing fully CCA-secure predicate encryption schemes from pair encoding schemes. Our construction is the first in the context of predicate encryption which uses the technique of well-formedness proofs known from public key encryption. The resulting constructions are simpler and more efficient compared to the schemes achieved using known generic transformations from CPA-secure to CCA-secure schemes. The reduction costs of our framework are comparable to the reduction costs of the underlying CPA-secure framework. We achieve this last result by applying the dual system encryption methodology in a novel way.
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Proceedings Title
Proceedings of the CT-RSA 2016
Cite this
Blömer J, Liske G. Construction of Fully CCA-Secure Predicate Encryptions from Pair Encoding Schemes. In: Proceedings of the CT-RSA 2016. LNCS. ; 2016:431-447. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-29485-8_25
Blömer, J., & Liske, G. (2016). Construction of Fully CCA-Secure Predicate Encryptions from Pair Encoding Schemes. In Proceedings of the CT-RSA 2016 (pp. 431–447).
@inproceedings{Blömer_Liske_2016, series={LNCS}, title={Construction of Fully CCA-Secure Predicate Encryptions from Pair Encoding Schemes}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-319-29485-8_25}, booktitle={Proceedings of the CT-RSA 2016}, author={Blömer, Johannes and Liske, Gennadij}, year={2016}, pages={431–447}, collection={LNCS} }
Blömer, Johannes, and Gennadij Liske. “Construction of Fully CCA-Secure Predicate Encryptions from Pair Encoding Schemes.” In Proceedings of the CT-RSA 2016, 431–47. LNCS, 2016.
J. Blömer and G. Liske, “Construction of Fully CCA-Secure Predicate Encryptions from Pair Encoding Schemes,” in Proceedings of the CT-RSA 2016, 2016, pp. 431–447.
Blömer, Johannes, and Gennadij Liske. “Construction of Fully CCA-Secure Predicate Encryptions from Pair Encoding Schemes.” Proceedings of the CT-RSA 2016, 2016, pp. 431–47, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-29485-8_25.
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