Update on the M&A market entitled As Prices Peak, Should Dealmakers wait for the next Downturn?
S. Sievers, D. Degen, G. Keienburg, T. Schmid, J. Kengelbach, Update on the M&A Market Entitled As Prices Peak, Should Dealmakers Wait for the next Downturn?, The Boston Consulting Group, Inc., M&A Report, 2018.
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Sievers, SönkeLibreCat;
Degen, Dominik;
Keienburg, Georg;
Schmid, Timo;
Kengelbach, Jens
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Sievers S, Degen D, Keienburg G, Schmid T, Kengelbach J. Update on the M&A Market Entitled As Prices Peak, Should Dealmakers Wait for the next Downturn? The Boston Consulting Group, Inc., M&A Report; 2018.
Sievers, S., Degen, D., Keienburg, G., Schmid, T., & Kengelbach, J. (2018). Update on the M&A market entitled As Prices Peak, Should Dealmakers wait for the next Downturn? The Boston Consulting Group, Inc., M&A Report.
@book{Sievers_Degen_Keienburg_Schmid_Kengelbach_2018, title={Update on the M&A market entitled As Prices Peak, Should Dealmakers wait for the next Downturn?}, publisher={The Boston Consulting Group, Inc., M&A Report}, author={Sievers, Sönke and Degen, Dominik and Keienburg, Georg and Schmid, Timo and Kengelbach, Jens}, year={2018} }
Sievers, Sönke, Dominik Degen, Georg Keienburg, Timo Schmid, and Jens Kengelbach. Update on the M&A Market Entitled As Prices Peak, Should Dealmakers Wait for the next Downturn? The Boston Consulting Group, Inc., M&A Report, 2018.
S. Sievers, D. Degen, G. Keienburg, T. Schmid, and J. Kengelbach, Update on the M&A market entitled As Prices Peak, Should Dealmakers wait for the next Downturn? The Boston Consulting Group, Inc., M&A Report, 2018.
Sievers, Sönke, et al. Update on the M&A Market Entitled As Prices Peak, Should Dealmakers Wait for the next Downturn? The Boston Consulting Group, Inc., M&A Report, 2018.
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