Far-field prediction combining simulations with near-field measurements for EMI assessment of PCBs
D. Schröder, S. Lange, C. Hangmann, C. Hedayat, in: Tensorial Analysis of Networks (TAN) Modelling for PCB Signal Integrity and EMC Analysis, 1st ed., The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Croyton, UK, 2020, pp. 315-346 (32).
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Book Chapter
| Published
| English
Schröder, Dominik;
Lange, SvenLibreCat;
Hangmann, Christian;
Hedayat, Christian
Using near-field (NF) scan data to predict the far-field (FF) behaviour of radiating electronic systems represents a novel method to accompany the whole RF design process. This approach involves so-called Huygens' box as an efficient radiation model inside an electromagnetic (EM) simulation tool and then transforms the scanned NF measured data into the FF. For this, the basic idea of the Huygens'box principle and the NF-to-FF transformation are briefly presented. The NF is measured on the Huygens' box around a device under test using anNF scanner, recording the magnitude and phase of the site-related magnetic and electric components. A comparison between a fullwave simulation and the measurement results shows a good similarity in both the NF and the simulated and transformed FF.Thus, this method is applicable to predict the FF behaviour of any electronic system by measuring the NF. With this knowledge, the RF design can be improved due to allowing a significant reduction of EM compatibility failure at the end of the development flow. In addition, the very efficient FF radiation model can be used for detailed investigations in various environments and the impact of such an equivalent radiation source on other electronic systems can be assessed.
Huygens' box;
NF-to-FF transformation;
efficient FF radiation model;
FF behaviour;
EMI assessment;
near-field measurements;
efficient radiation model;
far-field behaviour;
RF design process;
far-field prediction;
Huygens'box principle;
fullwave simulation;
electronic system radiation;
equivalent radiation source;
electromagnetic simulation tool;
near-field scan data;
EM compatibility failure reduction
Publishing Year
Book Title
Tensorial Analysis of Networks (TAN) Modelling for PCB Signal Integrity and EMC Analysis
315-346 (32)
Cite this
Schröder D, Lange S, Hangmann C, Hedayat C. Far-field prediction combining simulations with near-field measurements for EMI assessment of PCBs. In: Tensorial Analysis of Networks (TAN) Modelling for PCB Signal Integrity and EMC Analysis. 1st ed. Croyton, UK: The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET); 2020:315-346 (32). doi:10.1049/pbcs072e_ch14
Schröder, D., Lange, S., Hangmann, C., & Hedayat, C. (2020). Far-field prediction combining simulations with near-field measurements for EMI assessment of PCBs. In Tensorial Analysis of Networks (TAN) Modelling for PCB Signal Integrity and EMC Analysis (1st ed., pp. 315-346 (32)). Croyton, UK: The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). https://doi.org/10.1049/pbcs072e_ch14
@inbook{Schröder_Lange_Hangmann_Hedayat_2020, place={Croyton, UK}, edition={1}, title={Far-field prediction combining simulations with near-field measurements for EMI assessment of PCBs}, DOI={10.1049/pbcs072e_ch14}, booktitle={Tensorial Analysis of Networks (TAN) Modelling for PCB Signal Integrity and EMC Analysis}, publisher={ The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)}, author={Schröder, Dominik and Lange, Sven and Hangmann, Christian and Hedayat, Christian}, year={2020}, pages={315-346 (32)} }
Schröder, Dominik, Sven Lange, Christian Hangmann, and Christian Hedayat. “Far-Field Prediction Combining Simulations with near-Field Measurements for EMI Assessment of PCBs.” In Tensorial Analysis of Networks (TAN) Modelling for PCB Signal Integrity and EMC Analysis, 1st ed., 315-346 (32). Croyton, UK: The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), 2020. https://doi.org/10.1049/pbcs072e_ch14.
D. Schröder, S. Lange, C. Hangmann, and C. Hedayat, “Far-field prediction combining simulations with near-field measurements for EMI assessment of PCBs,” in Tensorial Analysis of Networks (TAN) Modelling for PCB Signal Integrity and EMC Analysis, 1st ed., Croyton, UK: The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), 2020, pp. 315-346 (32).
Schröder, Dominik, et al. “Far-Field Prediction Combining Simulations with near-Field Measurements for EMI Assessment of PCBs.” Tensorial Analysis of Networks (TAN) Modelling for PCB Signal Integrity and EMC Analysis, 1st ed., The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), 2020, pp. 315-346 (32), doi:10.1049/pbcs072e_ch14.
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