Evaluating the GNU Software Radio platform for wireless testbeds
S. Valentin, H. von Malm, H. Karl, Evaluating the GNU Software Radio Platform for Wireless Testbeds, 2006.

Valentin, Stefan;
von Malm, Holger;
Karl, HolgerLibreCat
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Cite this
Valentin S, von Malm H, Karl H. Evaluating the GNU Software Radio Platform for Wireless Testbeds.; 2006.
Valentin, S., von Malm, H., & Karl, H. (2006). Evaluating the GNU Software Radio platform for wireless testbeds.
@book{Valentin_von Malm_Karl_2006, title={Evaluating the GNU Software Radio platform for wireless testbeds}, author={Valentin, Stefan and von Malm, Holger and Karl, Holger}, year={2006} }
Valentin, Stefan, Holger von Malm, and Holger Karl. Evaluating the GNU Software Radio Platform for Wireless Testbeds, 2006.
S. Valentin, H. von Malm, and H. Karl, Evaluating the GNU Software Radio platform for wireless testbeds. 2006.
Valentin, Stefan, et al. Evaluating the GNU Software Radio Platform for Wireless Testbeds. 2006.
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