Ans {\ "a} sets for {\" u} r an online optimization of the lot sizes in the Series production
Wilhelm Dangelmaier, (2014) 317–342.
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Conference Paper
| Published
| English
Dangelmaier, Wilhelm
Kersten, Wolfgang;
Koller, Hans;
L {\ "o} dding, H
Alternative Title
Industry 4.0 How intelligent networking and cognitive systems are changing our work
Publishing Year
Series of publications by the university group for {\ "u} r Arbeits- und Betriebsorganisation eV (HAB)
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Dangelmaier Wilhelm. Ans {\ “a} sets for {\” u} r an online optimization of the lot sizes in the Series production. Kersten W, Koller H, L {\ "o} dding H, eds. Published online 2014:317-342.
Dangelmaier, Wilhelm. (2014). Ans {\ “a} sets for {\” u} r an online optimization of the lot sizes in the Series production (W. Kersten, H. Koller, & H. L {\ "o} dding, Eds.; pp. 317–342). GITO mbH.
@article{Dangelmaier_2014, series={Series of publications by the university group for {\ "u} r Arbeits- und Betriebsorganisation eV (HAB)}, title={Ans {\ “a} sets for {\” u} r an online optimization of the lot sizes in the Series production}, publisher={GITO mbH}, author={Dangelmaier, Wilhelm}, editor={Kersten, Wolfgang and Koller, Hans and L {\ "o} dding, H}, year={2014}, pages={317–342}, collection={Series of publications by the university group for {\ "u} r Arbeits- und Betriebsorganisation eV (HAB)} }
Dangelmaier, Wilhelm. “Ans {\ ‘A} Sets for {\’ U} r an Online Optimization of the Lot Sizes in the Series Production.” Edited by Wolfgang Kersten, Hans Koller, and H L {\ "o} dding. Series of Publications by the University Group for {\ "u} r Arbeits- Und Betriebsorganisation EV (HAB). GITO mbH, 2014.
Wilhelm Dangelmaier, “Ans {\ ‘a} sets for {\’ u} r an online optimization of the lot sizes in the Series production.” GITO mbH, pp. 317–342, 2014.
Dangelmaier, Wilhelm. Ans {\ “A} Sets for {\” U} r an Online Optimization of the Lot Sizes in the Series Production. Edited by Wolfgang Kersten et al., GITO mbH, 2014, pp. 317–42.