The Computation and Analysis of Invariant Sets of Infinite-Dimensional Systems
R. Gerlach, The Computation and Analysis of Invariant Sets of Infinite-Dimensional Systems, 2021.
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Dellnitz , Michael;
Koltai, Péter
Ein zentraler Aspekt bei der Untersuchung dynamischer Systeme ist die Analyse ihrer invarianten Mengen wie des globalen Attraktors und (in)stabiler Mannigfaltigkeiten. Insbesondere wenn das zugrunde liegende System von einem Parameter abhängt, ist es entscheidend, sie im Bezug auf diesen Parameter effizient zu verfolgen. Für die Berechnung invarianter Mengen stützen wir uns für ihre Approximation auf numerische Algorithmen. Typischerweise können diese Methoden jedoch nur auf endlich-dimensionale dynamische Systeme angewendet werden. In dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir daher einen numerischen Rahmen für die globale dynamische Analyse unendlich-dimensionaler Systeme. Wir werden Einbettungstechniken verwenden, um das core dynamical system (CDS) zu definieren, welches ein dynamisch äquivalentes endlich-dimensionales System ist.Das CDS wird dann verwendet, um eingebettete invariante Mengen, also eins-zu-eins Bilder, mittels Mengen-orientierten numerischen Methoden zu approximieren. Bei der Konstruktion des CDS ist es entscheidend, eine geeignete Beobachtungsabbildung auszuwählen und die geeignete inverse Abbildung zu entwerfen. Dazu werden wir geeignete numerische Implementierungen des CDS für DDEs und PDEs vorstellen. Für eine nachfolgende geometrische Analyse der eingebetteten invarianten Menge betrachten wir eine Lerntechnik namens diffusion maps, die ihre intrinsische Geometrie enthüllt sowie ihre Dimension schätzt. Schließlich wenden wir unsere entwickelten numerischen Methoden an einigen bekannten unendlich-dimensionale dynamischen Systeme an, wie die Mackey-Glass-Gleichung, die Kuramoto-Sivashinsky-Gleichung und die Navier-Stokes-Gleichung.
One central aspect in the study of dynamical systems is the analysis of its invariant sets such as the global attractor and (un)stable manifolds. In particular, when the underlying system depends on a parameter it is crucial to efficiently track those set with respect to this parameter. For the computation of invariant sets we rely on numerical algorithms for their approximation but typically those tools can only be applied to finite-dimensional dynamical systems. Thus, in thesis we present a numerical framework for the global dynamical analysis of infinite-dimensional systems. We will use embedding techniques for the definition of the core dynamical system (CDS) which is a dynamically equivalent finite-dimensional system. The CDS is then used for the approximation of related embedded invariant sets, i.e, one-to-one images, by set-oriented numerical methods. For the construction of the CDS it is crucial to choose an appropriate observation map and to design its corresponding inverse. Therefore, we will present suitable numerical realizations of the CDS for DDEs and PDEs. For a subsequent geometric analysis of the embedded invariant set we will consider a manifold learning technique called diffusion maps which reveals its intrinsic geometry and estimates its dimension. Finally, we apply our develop numerical tools on some well-known infinite-dimensional dynamical systems such as the Mackey-Glass equation, the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation and the Navier-Stokes equation.
One central aspect in the study of dynamical systems is the analysis of its invariant sets such as the global attractor and (un)stable manifolds. In particular, when the underlying system depends on a parameter it is crucial to efficiently track those set with respect to this parameter. For the computation of invariant sets we rely on numerical algorithms for their approximation but typically those tools can only be applied to finite-dimensional dynamical systems. Thus, in thesis we present a numerical framework for the global dynamical analysis of infinite-dimensional systems. We will use embedding techniques for the definition of the core dynamical system (CDS) which is a dynamically equivalent finite-dimensional system. The CDS is then used for the approximation of related embedded invariant sets, i.e, one-to-one images, by set-oriented numerical methods. For the construction of the CDS it is crucial to choose an appropriate observation map and to design its corresponding inverse. Therefore, we will present suitable numerical realizations of the CDS for DDEs and PDEs. For a subsequent geometric analysis of the embedded invariant set we will consider a manifold learning technique called diffusion maps which reveals its intrinsic geometry and estimates its dimension. Finally, we apply our develop numerical tools on some well-known infinite-dimensional dynamical systems such as the Mackey-Glass equation, the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation and the Navier-Stokes equation.
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Cite this
Gerlach R. The Computation and Analysis of Invariant Sets of Infinite-Dimensional Systems.; 2021. doi:10.17619/UNIPB/1-1278
Gerlach, R. (2021). The Computation and Analysis of Invariant Sets of Infinite-Dimensional Systems.
@book{Gerlach_2021, title={The Computation and Analysis of Invariant Sets of Infinite-Dimensional Systems}, DOI={10.17619/UNIPB/1-1278}, author={Gerlach, Raphael}, year={2021} }
Gerlach, Raphael. The Computation and Analysis of Invariant Sets of Infinite-Dimensional Systems, 2021.
R. Gerlach, The Computation and Analysis of Invariant Sets of Infinite-Dimensional Systems. 2021.
Gerlach, Raphael. The Computation and Analysis of Invariant Sets of Infinite-Dimensional Systems. 2021, doi:10.17619/UNIPB/1-1278.
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