The nexus between monetary policy, banking market structures and bank risk-taking
A. Uhde, T. Michalak, The Nexus between Monetary Policy, Banking Market Structures and Bank Risk-Taking, 2011.
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Working Paper
| English
Uhde, AndréLibreCat
Michalak, Tobias

Using a sample of stock-listed bank holding companies located in Western Europe over the period from 1997 to 2008
this paper provides empirical evidence that an increase in short-term interest rates as well as an extended period of
expansionary monetary policy has a negative impact on European stock-listed banks’ soundness as measured by the
Expected Default Frequency. Against this background and in order to evaluate interactions between the risk-taking
channel of monetary policy and the competitiveness of a country’s banking market we find a negative impact of an
increase in competition in the loan market – proxied by the Boone-indicator – on financial soundness. Referring to the
structural-conduct performance (SCP) paradigm, this paper provides further evidence that an increase in concentration
in the banking market spurs financial soundness.
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Uhde A, Michalak T. The Nexus between Monetary Policy, Banking Market Structures and Bank Risk-Taking.; 2011.
Uhde, A., & Michalak, T. (2011). The nexus between monetary policy, banking market structures and bank risk-taking.
@book{Uhde_Michalak_2011, title={The nexus between monetary policy, banking market structures and bank risk-taking}, author={Uhde, André and Michalak, Tobias}, year={2011} }
Uhde, André, and Tobias Michalak. The Nexus between Monetary Policy, Banking Market Structures and Bank Risk-Taking, 2011.
A. Uhde and T. Michalak, The nexus between monetary policy, banking market structures and bank risk-taking. 2011.
Uhde, André, and Tobias Michalak. The Nexus between Monetary Policy, Banking Market Structures and Bank Risk-Taking. 2011.