Impact of Heterocycle Annulation on NIR Absorbance in Quinoid Thioacene Derivatives

P. Hou, S. Peschtrich, N. Huber, W. Feuerstein, A. Bihlmeier, I. Krummenacher, R. Schoch, W. Klopper, F. Breher, J. Paradies, Chemistry – A European Journal 28 (2022).

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Journal Article | Published | English
Hou, Peng; Peschtrich, Sebastian; Huber, Nils; Feuerstein, Wolfram; Bihlmeier, Angela; Krummenacher, Ivo; Schoch, Roland; Klopper, Wim; Breher, Frank; Paradies, JanLibreCat
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Chemistry – A European Journal

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Hou P, Peschtrich S, Huber N, et al. Impact of Heterocycle Annulation on NIR Absorbance in Quinoid Thioacene Derivatives. Chemistry – A European Journal. 2022;28(23). doi:10.1002/chem.202200478
Hou, P., Peschtrich, S., Huber, N., Feuerstein, W., Bihlmeier, A., Krummenacher, I., Schoch, R., Klopper, W., Breher, F., & Paradies, J. (2022). Impact of Heterocycle Annulation on NIR Absorbance in Quinoid Thioacene Derivatives. Chemistry – A European Journal, 28(23).
@article{Hou_Peschtrich_Huber_Feuerstein_Bihlmeier_Krummenacher_Schoch_Klopper_Breher_Paradies_2022, title={Impact of Heterocycle Annulation on NIR Absorbance in Quinoid Thioacene Derivatives}, volume={28}, DOI={10.1002/chem.202200478}, number={23}, journal={Chemistry – A European Journal}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Hou, Peng and Peschtrich, Sebastian and Huber, Nils and Feuerstein, Wolfram and Bihlmeier, Angela and Krummenacher, Ivo and Schoch, Roland and Klopper, Wim and Breher, Frank and Paradies, Jan}, year={2022} }
Hou, Peng, Sebastian Peschtrich, Nils Huber, Wolfram Feuerstein, Angela Bihlmeier, Ivo Krummenacher, Roland Schoch, Wim Klopper, Frank Breher, and Jan Paradies. “Impact of Heterocycle Annulation on NIR Absorbance in Quinoid Thioacene Derivatives.” Chemistry – A European Journal 28, no. 23 (2022).
P. Hou et al., “Impact of Heterocycle Annulation on NIR Absorbance in Quinoid Thioacene Derivatives,” Chemistry – A European Journal, vol. 28, no. 23, 2022, doi: 10.1002/chem.202200478.
Hou, Peng, et al. “Impact of Heterocycle Annulation on NIR Absorbance in Quinoid Thioacene Derivatives.” Chemistry – A European Journal, vol. 28, no. 23, Wiley, 2022, doi:10.1002/chem.202200478.


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