Probing the Negative Wigner Function of a Pulsed Single Photon Point by Point

K. Laiho, K.N. Cassemiro, D. Gross, C. Silberhorn, Physical Review Letters 105 (2010).

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Laiho, Kaisa; Cassemiro, Katiúscia N.; Gross, David; Silberhorn, ChristineLibreCat
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Laiho K, Cassemiro KN, Gross D, Silberhorn C. Probing the Negative Wigner Function of a Pulsed Single Photon Point by Point. Physical Review Letters. 2010;105(25). doi:10.1103/physrevlett.105.253603
Laiho, K., Cassemiro, K. N., Gross, D., & Silberhorn, C. (2010). Probing the Negative Wigner Function of a Pulsed Single Photon Point by Point. Physical Review Letters, 105(25), Article 253603.
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Laiho, Kaisa, Katiúscia N. Cassemiro, David Gross, and Christine Silberhorn. “Probing the Negative Wigner Function of a Pulsed Single Photon Point by Point.” Physical Review Letters 105, no. 25 (2010).
K. Laiho, K. N. Cassemiro, D. Gross, and C. Silberhorn, “Probing the Negative Wigner Function of a Pulsed Single Photon Point by Point,” Physical Review Letters, vol. 105, no. 25, Art. no. 253603, 2010, doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.105.253603.
Laiho, Kaisa, et al. “Probing the Negative Wigner Function of a Pulsed Single Photon Point by Point.” Physical Review Letters, vol. 105, no. 25, 253603, American Physical Society (APS), 2010, doi:10.1103/physrevlett.105.253603.


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