Grammar-based model transformations
G. Besova, D. Steenke, H. Wehrheim, in: Proceedings 3rd Workshop on Model Driven Approaches in System Development (MDASD), 2014, pp. 1601–1610.

Conference Paper
| English
Besova, Galina;
Steenke, Dominik;
Wehrheim, HeikeLibreCat
Model transformation is a key concept in modeldrivensoftware engineering. The definition of model transformationsis usually based on meta-models describing the abstractsyntax of languages. While meta-models are thereby able to abstractfrom superfluous details of concrete syntax, they often loosestructural information inherent in languages, like information onmodel elements always occurring together in particular shapes.As a consequence, model transformations cannot naturally re-uselanguage structures, thus leading to unnecessary complexity intheir development as well as analysis.In this paper, we propose a new approach to model transformationdevelopment which allows to simplify and improve thequality of the developed transformations via the exploitation ofthe languages’ structures. The approach is based on context-freegrammars and transformations defined by pairing productions ofsource and target grammars. We show that such transformationsexhibit three important characteristics: they are sound, completeand deterministic.
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Proceedings Title
Proceedings 3rd Workshop on Model Driven Approaches in System Development (MDASD)
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Besova G, Steenke D, Wehrheim H. Grammar-based model transformations. In: Proceedings 3rd Workshop on Model Driven Approaches in System Development (MDASD). ; 2014:1601-1610. doi:10.1016/
Besova, G., Steenke, D., & Wehrheim, H. (2014). Grammar-based model transformations. In Proceedings 3rd Workshop on Model Driven Approaches in System Development (MDASD) (pp. 1601–1610).
@inproceedings{Besova_Steenke_Wehrheim_2014, title={Grammar-based model transformations}, DOI={10.1016/}, booktitle={Proceedings 3rd Workshop on Model Driven Approaches in System Development (MDASD)}, author={Besova, Galina and Steenke, Dominik and Wehrheim, Heike}, year={2014}, pages={1601–1610} }
Besova, Galina, Dominik Steenke, and Heike Wehrheim. “Grammar-Based Model Transformations.” In Proceedings 3rd Workshop on Model Driven Approaches in System Development (MDASD), 1601–10, 2014.
G. Besova, D. Steenke, and H. Wehrheim, “Grammar-based model transformations,” in Proceedings 3rd Workshop on Model Driven Approaches in System Development (MDASD), 2014, pp. 1601–1610.
Besova, Galina, et al. “Grammar-Based Model Transformations.” Proceedings 3rd Workshop on Model Driven Approaches in System Development (MDASD), 2014, pp. 1601–10, doi:10.1016/
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