Self-induced transparency in InGaAs quantum-dot waveguides
S. Schneider, P. Borri, W. Langbein, U. Woggon, J. Förstner, A. Knorr, R.L. Sellin, D. Ouyang, D. Bimberg, Applied Physics Letters 83 (2003) 3668–3670.
Journal Article
| Published
| English
Schneider, S.;
Borri, P.;
Langbein, W.;
Woggon, U.;
Förstner, JensLibreCat
Knorr, A.;
Sellin, R. L.;
Ouyang, D.;
Bimberg, D.

We report the experimental observation and the theoretical modeling of self-induced-transparency
signatures such as nonlinear transmission, pulse retardation and reshaping, for subpicosecond pulse
propagation in a 2-mm-long InGaAs quantum-dot ridge waveguide in resonance with the excitonic
ground-state transition at 10 K. The measurements were obtained by using a cross-correlation
frequency-resolved optical gating technique which allows us to retrieve the field amplitude of the
propagating pulses.
Publishing Year
Journal Title
Applied Physics Letters
Cite this
Schneider S, Borri P, Langbein W, et al. Self-induced transparency in InGaAs quantum-dot waveguides. Applied Physics Letters. 2003;83(18):3668-3670. doi:10.1063/1.1624492
Schneider, S., Borri, P., Langbein, W., Woggon, U., Förstner, J., Knorr, A., … Bimberg, D. (2003). Self-induced transparency in InGaAs quantum-dot waveguides. Applied Physics Letters, 83(18), 3668–3670.
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Schneider, S., P. Borri, W. Langbein, U. Woggon, Jens Förstner, A. Knorr, R. L. Sellin, D. Ouyang, and D. Bimberg. “Self-Induced Transparency in InGaAs Quantum-Dot Waveguides.” Applied Physics Letters 83, no. 18 (2003): 3668–70.
S. Schneider et al., “Self-induced transparency in InGaAs quantum-dot waveguides,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 83, no. 18, pp. 3668–3670, 2003.
Schneider, S., et al. “Self-Induced Transparency in InGaAs Quantum-Dot Waveguides.” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 83, no. 18, AIP Publishing, 2003, pp. 3668–70, doi:10.1063/1.1624492.
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