Light Scattering By Random Irregular Particles With Different Morphology
Y. Grynko, E. Zubko, in: 2014.

Conference Paper
| Published
| English
Grynko, YevgenLibreCat;
Zubko, Evgenij
We simulate numerically light scattering by random irregular particles of two classes of shape: Gaussian random field particles and agglomerated debri particles. Comparison of the angular dependencies of the scattering matrix elements for the case of non-absorbing material shows qualitative similarity of optical properties of both types despite different morphology of scatterers. Absorbing particles result in the difference in linear polarization. However, a strong similarty remains for the intensity curves.
Publishing Year
10th International Conference on Laser-Light and Interactions with Particles
Conference Location
Marseille (France)
Conference Date
2014-08-25 – 2014-08-29
Cite this
Grynko Y, Zubko E. Light Scattering By Random Irregular Particles With Different Morphology. In: ; 2014.
Grynko, Y., & Zubko, E. (2014). Light Scattering By Random Irregular Particles With Different Morphology. Presented at the 10th International Conference on Laser-Light and Interactions with Particles, Marseille (France).
@inproceedings{Grynko_Zubko_2014, title={Light Scattering By Random Irregular Particles With Different Morphology}, author={Grynko, Yevgen and Zubko, Evgenij}, year={2014} }
Grynko, Yevgen, and Evgenij Zubko. “Light Scattering By Random Irregular Particles With Different Morphology,” 2014.
Y. Grynko and E. Zubko, “Light Scattering By Random Irregular Particles With Different Morphology,” presented at the 10th International Conference on Laser-Light and Interactions with Particles, Marseille (France), 2014.
Grynko, Yevgen, and Evgenij Zubko. Light Scattering By Random Irregular Particles With Different Morphology. 2014.
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2014-08 Grynko,Zubko_Light Scattering by Radndom irregular particles with different morphology.pdf
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