Signatures of Correlations in Intensity Dependent Excitonic Absorption Changes
T. Meier, S.W. Koch, P. Brick, C. Ell, G. Khitrova, H.M. Gibbs, Physical Review B 62 (2000).
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Journal Article
| Published
| English
Meier, TorstenLibreCat
Koch, S.W.;
Brick, P.;
Ell, C.;
Khitrova, G.;
Gibbs, H.M.

The intensity dependence of pump-induced excitonic absorption changes is studied in high-quality In0.04Ga0.96 As quantum wells for different detunings and polarization configurations. For resonant excitation with increasing pump intensity a saturation of both the exciton bleaching and the induced absorption due to two-exciton resonances is observed, whereas for pumping below the exciton a characteristic polarization dependence of higher-order contributions to the optical Stark effect is found. Microscopic calculations including Coulomb correlations show that the experimental observations can be described by the coherent dynamics of single- and two-exciton resonances up to fifth order in the optical field.
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Physical Review B
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Meier T, Koch SW, Brick P, Ell C, Khitrova G, Gibbs HM. Signatures of Correlations in Intensity Dependent Excitonic Absorption Changes. Physical Review B. 2000;62(7). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.62.4218
Meier, T., Koch, S. W., Brick, P., Ell, C., Khitrova, G., & Gibbs, H. M. (2000). Signatures of Correlations in Intensity Dependent Excitonic Absorption Changes. Physical Review B, 62(7), Article 4218.
@article{Meier_Koch_Brick_Ell_Khitrova_Gibbs_2000, title={Signatures of Correlations in Intensity Dependent Excitonic Absorption Changes}, volume={62}, DOI={10.1103/PhysRevB.62.4218}, number={74218}, journal={Physical Review B}, publisher={American Physical Society}, author={Meier, Torsten and Koch, S.W. and Brick, P. and Ell, C. and Khitrova, G. and Gibbs, H.M.}, year={2000} }
Meier, Torsten, S.W. Koch, P. Brick, C. Ell, G. Khitrova, and H.M. Gibbs. “Signatures of Correlations in Intensity Dependent Excitonic Absorption Changes.” Physical Review B 62, no. 7 (2000).
T. Meier, S. W. Koch, P. Brick, C. Ell, G. Khitrova, and H. M. Gibbs, “Signatures of Correlations in Intensity Dependent Excitonic Absorption Changes,” Physical Review B, vol. 62, no. 7, Art. no. 4218, 2000, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.62.4218.
Meier, Torsten, et al. “Signatures of Correlations in Intensity Dependent Excitonic Absorption Changes.” Physical Review B, vol. 62, no. 7, 4218, American Physical Society, 2000, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.62.4218.
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