Adaptation to context information for head fakes in basketball
I. Güldenpenning, N.T. Böer, W. Kunde, M. Weigelt, in: S. Merz, C. Frings, B. Leuchtenberg, B. Moeller, S. Mueller, R. Neumann, B. Pastötter, L. Pingen, G. Schui (Eds.), Abstracts of the 65th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), Trier, 2023, pp. 139–140.

Conference Abstract
| Published
| English
Güldenpenning, IrisLibreCat
Böer, Nils TobiasLibreCat
Kunde, Wilfried;
Weigelt, MatthiasLibreCat

Merz, Simon;
Frings, Christian;
Leuchtenberg, Bettina;
Moeller, Birte;
Mueller, Stefanie;
Neumann, Roland;
Pastötter, Bernhard;
Pingen, Leah;
Schui, Gabriel
Publishing Year
Proceedings Title
Abstracts of the 65th Conference of experimental Psychologists (TeaP)
65th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP)
Conference Location
Conference Date
2023-03-26 – 2023-03-29
Cite this
Güldenpenning I, Böer NT, Kunde W, Weigelt M. Adaptation to context information for head fakes in basketball. In: Merz S, Frings C, Leuchtenberg B, et al., eds. Abstracts of the 65th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP). ; 2023:139-140. doi:
Güldenpenning, I., Böer, N. T., Kunde, W., & Weigelt, M. (2023). Adaptation to context information for head fakes in basketball. In S. Merz, C. Frings, B. Leuchtenberg, B. Moeller, S. Mueller, R. Neumann, B. Pastötter, L. Pingen, & G. Schui (Eds.), Abstracts of the 65th Conference of experimental Psychologists (TeaP) (pp. 139–140).
@inproceedings{Güldenpenning_Böer_Kunde_Weigelt_2023, place={Trier}, title={Adaptation to context information for head fakes in basketball}, DOI={}, booktitle={Abstracts of the 65th Conference of experimental Psychologists (TeaP)}, author={Güldenpenning, Iris and Böer, Nils Tobias and Kunde, Wilfried and Weigelt, Matthias}, editor={Merz, Simon and Frings, Christian and Leuchtenberg, Bettina and Moeller, Birte and Mueller, Stefanie and Neumann, Roland and Pastötter, Bernhard and Pingen, Leah and Schui, Gabriel}, year={2023}, pages={139–140} }
Güldenpenning, Iris, Nils Tobias Böer, Wilfried Kunde, and Matthias Weigelt. “Adaptation to Context Information for Head Fakes in Basketball.” In Abstracts of the 65th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), edited by Simon Merz, Christian Frings, Bettina Leuchtenberg, Birte Moeller, Stefanie Mueller, Roland Neumann, Bernhard Pastötter, Leah Pingen, and Gabriel Schui, 139–40. Trier, 2023.
I. Güldenpenning, N. T. Böer, W. Kunde, and M. Weigelt, “Adaptation to context information for head fakes in basketball,” in Abstracts of the 65th Conference of experimental Psychologists (TeaP), Trier, 2023, pp. 139–140, doi:
Güldenpenning, Iris, et al. “Adaptation to Context Information for Head Fakes in Basketball.” Abstracts of the 65th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), edited by Simon Merz et al., 2023, pp. 139–40, doi:
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