Dispersion control with integrated plasmonic metasurfaces
R. Geromel, P. Georgi, M. Protte, T. Bartley, L. Huang, T. Zentgraf, in: CLEO: Fundamental Science 2023, Optica Publishing Group, 2023.
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Conference Paper
| Published
| English
Geromel, René;
Georgi, Philip;
Protte, MaximilianLibreCat;
Bartley, TimLibreCat;
Huang, Lingling;
Zentgraf, ThomasLibreCat 

TRR 142: TRR 142 - Maßgeschneiderte nichtlineare Photonik: Von grundlegenden Konzepten zu funktionellen Strukturen
TRR 142 - B: TRR 142 - Project Area B
TRR 142 - B09: TRR 142 - Effiziente Erzeugung mit maßgeschneiderter optischer Phaselage der zweiten Harmonischen mittels Quasi-gebundener Zustände in GaAs Metaoberflächen (B09*)
TRR 142 - B: TRR 142 - Project Area B
TRR 142 - B09: TRR 142 - Effiziente Erzeugung mit maßgeschneiderter optischer Phaselage der zweiten Harmonischen mittels Quasi-gebundener Zustände in GaAs Metaoberflächen (B09*)
We present a miniaturized pulse shaping device that creates an arbitrary dispersion through the interaction of multiple metasurfaces on less than 2 mm<jats:sup>3</jats:sup> volume. For this, a metalens and a grating-metasurface between two silver mirrors are fabricated. The grating contains further phase information to achieve the device's pulse shaping functionality.
Publishing Year
Proceedings Title
CLEO: Fundamental Science 2023
Technical Digest Series
Article Number
CLEO: Fundamental Science 2023
Conference Location
San Jose, USA
Conference Date
2023-05-07 – 2023-05-12
Cite this
Geromel R, Georgi P, Protte M, Bartley T, Huang L, Zentgraf T. Dispersion control with integrated plasmonic metasurfaces. In: CLEO: Fundamental Science 2023. Technical Digest Series. Optica Publishing Group; 2023. doi:10.1364/cleo_fs.2023.fth4d.3
Geromel, R., Georgi, P., Protte, M., Bartley, T., Huang, L., & Zentgraf, T. (2023). Dispersion control with integrated plasmonic metasurfaces. CLEO: Fundamental Science 2023, Article FTh4D.3. CLEO: Fundamental Science 2023, San Jose, USA. https://doi.org/10.1364/cleo_fs.2023.fth4d.3
@inproceedings{Geromel_Georgi_Protte_Bartley_Huang_Zentgraf_2023, series={Technical Digest Series}, title={Dispersion control with integrated plasmonic metasurfaces}, DOI={10.1364/cleo_fs.2023.fth4d.3}, number={FTh4D.3}, booktitle={CLEO: Fundamental Science 2023}, publisher={Optica Publishing Group}, author={Geromel, René and Georgi, Philip and Protte, Maximilian and Bartley, Tim and Huang, Lingling and Zentgraf, Thomas}, year={2023}, collection={Technical Digest Series} }
Geromel, René, Philip Georgi, Maximilian Protte, Tim Bartley, Lingling Huang, and Thomas Zentgraf. “Dispersion Control with Integrated Plasmonic Metasurfaces.” In CLEO: Fundamental Science 2023. Technical Digest Series. Optica Publishing Group, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1364/cleo_fs.2023.fth4d.3.
R. Geromel, P. Georgi, M. Protte, T. Bartley, L. Huang, and T. Zentgraf, “Dispersion control with integrated plasmonic metasurfaces,” presented at the CLEO: Fundamental Science 2023, San Jose, USA, 2023, doi: 10.1364/cleo_fs.2023.fth4d.3.
Geromel, René, et al. “Dispersion Control with Integrated Plasmonic Metasurfaces.” CLEO: Fundamental Science 2023, FTh4D.3, Optica Publishing Group, 2023, doi:10.1364/cleo_fs.2023.fth4d.3.