Service-oriented Cost Allocation for Business Intelligence and Analytics: Who pays for BI&A?
R. Grytz, A. Krohn-Grimberghe, in: Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (2017), Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Koloa, HI, USA, 2017.
Conference Paper
| Published
| English
Grytz, RaphaelLibreCat;
Krohn-Grimberghe, Artus
Quantifying and designing the cost pool generated by Business Intelligence and Analytics (BI&A) would improve cost transparency and invoicing processes, allowing a fairer, more exact allocation of costs to service consumers. Yet there is still no method for determining BI&A costs to provide a base for allocation purposes. While literature describes several methods for BI&A cost estimation on an ROI or resource-consumption level, none of these methods considers an overall approach for BI&A. To tackle this problem, we propose a service-oriented cost allocation model which calculates BI&A applications based on defined services, enabling a cost transfer to service consumers. This new approach specifies steps towards deriving a usable pricing scheme for an entire BI&A service portfolio – both for allocation purposes as well as improving cost evaluation of BI&A projects. Moreover, it prevents BI&A departments from being considered as the sole cost driver, increasing customer understanding and cost awareness.
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Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (2017)
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Grytz R, Krohn-Grimberghe A. Service-oriented Cost Allocation for Business Intelligence and Analytics: Who pays for BI&A? In: Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (2017). Koloa, HI, USA: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences; 2017. doi:10.24251/hicss.2017.123
Grytz, R., & Krohn-Grimberghe, A. (2017). Service-oriented Cost Allocation for Business Intelligence and Analytics: Who pays for BI&A? In Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (2017). Koloa, HI, USA: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
@inproceedings{Grytz_Krohn-Grimberghe_2017, place={Koloa, HI, USA}, title={Service-oriented Cost Allocation for Business Intelligence and Analytics: Who pays for BI&A?}, DOI={10.24251/hicss.2017.123}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (2017)}, publisher={Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences}, author={Grytz, Raphael and Krohn-Grimberghe, Artus}, year={2017} }
Grytz, Raphael, and Artus Krohn-Grimberghe. “Service-Oriented Cost Allocation for Business Intelligence and Analytics: Who Pays for BI&A?” In Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (2017). Koloa, HI, USA: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2017.
R. Grytz and A. Krohn-Grimberghe, “Service-oriented Cost Allocation for Business Intelligence and Analytics: Who pays for BI&A?,” in Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (2017), 2017.
Grytz, Raphael, and Artus Krohn-Grimberghe. “Service-Oriented Cost Allocation for Business Intelligence and Analytics: Who Pays for BI&A?” Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (2017), Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2017, doi:10.24251/hicss.2017.123.
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