Picosecond Acoustics in Single Quantum Wells of Cubic GaN/(Al,Ga)N

T. Czerniuk, T. Ehrlich, T. Wecker, D.J. As, D.R. Yakovlev, A.V. Akimov, M. Bayer, Physical Review Applied 7 (2017).

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Czerniuk, T.; Ehrlich, T.; Wecker, T.; As, Donat JosefLibreCat ; Yakovlev, D. R.; Akimov, A. V.; Bayer, M.
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Physical Review Applied

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Czerniuk T, Ehrlich T, Wecker T, et al. Picosecond Acoustics in Single Quantum Wells of Cubic GaN/(Al,Ga)N. Physical Review Applied. 2017;7(1). doi:10.1103/physrevapplied.7.014006
Czerniuk, T., Ehrlich, T., Wecker, T., As, D. J., Yakovlev, D. R., Akimov, A. V., & Bayer, M. (2017). Picosecond Acoustics in Single Quantum Wells of Cubic GaN/(Al,Ga)N. Physical Review Applied, 7(1). https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevapplied.7.014006
@article{Czerniuk_Ehrlich_Wecker_As_Yakovlev_Akimov_Bayer_2017, title={Picosecond Acoustics in Single Quantum Wells of Cubic GaN/(Al,Ga)N}, volume={7}, DOI={10.1103/physrevapplied.7.014006}, number={1}, journal={Physical Review Applied}, publisher={American Physical Society (APS)}, author={Czerniuk, T. and Ehrlich, T. and Wecker, T. and As, Donat Josef and Yakovlev, D. R. and Akimov, A. V. and Bayer, M.}, year={2017} }
Czerniuk, T., T. Ehrlich, T. Wecker, Donat Josef As, D. R. Yakovlev, A. V. Akimov, and M. Bayer. “Picosecond Acoustics in Single Quantum Wells of Cubic GaN/(Al,Ga)N.” Physical Review Applied 7, no. 1 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevapplied.7.014006.
T. Czerniuk et al., “Picosecond Acoustics in Single Quantum Wells of Cubic GaN/(Al,Ga)N,” Physical Review Applied, vol. 7, no. 1, 2017.
Czerniuk, T., et al. “Picosecond Acoustics in Single Quantum Wells of Cubic GaN/(Al,Ga)N.” Physical Review Applied, vol. 7, no. 1, American Physical Society (APS), 2017, doi:10.1103/physrevapplied.7.014006.


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