Interest Barrier and Capital Structure Response
S. Alberternst, C. Sureth-Sloane, Interest Barrier and Capital Structure Response, 2016.

Working Paper
| English
Alberternst, Stephan;
Sureth-Sloane, CarenLibreCat
The Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) recently proposed
an interest barrier to fight tax base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS). We use the introduction
of such an interest deductibility restriction in Germany as a quasi-experiment and find significant
corporate capital structure responses. Using single entity financial statements and a detailed matching
approach, we find evidence that companies that are affected by the interest barrier reduce their
leverage by 4.7 percentage points more than non-affected companies. The effects are stronger among
non-financially constrained firms. Our results imply that interest barrier effects on capital structure
have so far been heavily underestimated.
Publishing Year
Series Title / Volume
arqus, Quantitative Research in Taxation
Cite this
Alberternst S, Sureth-Sloane C. Interest Barrier and Capital Structure Response. Vol 206.; 2016.
Alberternst, S., & Sureth-Sloane, C. (2016). Interest Barrier and Capital Structure Response (Vol. 206).
@book{Alberternst_Sureth-Sloane_2016, series={arqus, Quantitative Research in Taxation}, title={Interest Barrier and Capital Structure Response}, volume={206}, author={Alberternst, Stephan and Sureth-Sloane, Caren}, year={2016}, collection={arqus, Quantitative Research in Taxation} }
Alberternst, Stephan, and Caren Sureth-Sloane. Interest Barrier and Capital Structure Response. Vol. 206. Arqus, Quantitative Research in Taxation, 2016.
S. Alberternst and C. Sureth-Sloane, Interest Barrier and Capital Structure Response, vol. 206. 2016.
Alberternst, Stephan, and Caren Sureth-Sloane. Interest Barrier and Capital Structure Response. Vol. 206, 2016.
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