Feynman-Kac formulas for semigroups generated by multi-polaron Hamiltonians in magnetic fields and on general domains
B. Hinrichs, O. Matte, ArXiv:2403.12147 (2024).
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Hinrichs, BenjaminLibreCat
Matte, Oliver

We prove Feynman-Kac formulas for the semigroups generated by selfadjoint
operators in a class containing Fr\"ohlich Hamiltonians known from solid state
physics. The latter model multi-polarons, i.e., a fixed number of quantum
mechanical electrons moving in a polarizable crystal and interacting with the
quantized phonon field generated by the crystal's vibrational modes. Both the
electrons and phonons can be confined to suitable open subsets of Euclidean
space. We also include possibly very singular magnetic vector potentials and
electrostatic potentials. Our Feynman-Kac formulas comprise Fock space
operator-valued multiplicative functionals and can be applied to every vector
in the underlying Hilbert space. In comparison to the renormalized Nelson
model, for which analogous Feynman-Kac formulas are known, the analysis of the
creation and annihilation terms in the multiplicative functionals requires
novel ideas to overcome difficulties caused by the phonon dispersion relation
being constant. Getting these terms under control and generalizing other
construction steps so as to cover confined systems are the main achievements of
this article.
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Hinrichs B, Matte O. Feynman-Kac formulas for semigroups generated by multi-polaron Hamiltonians in magnetic fields and on general domains. arXiv:240312147. Published online 2024.
Hinrichs, B., & Matte, O. (2024). Feynman-Kac formulas for semigroups generated by multi-polaron Hamiltonians in magnetic fields and on general domains. In arXiv:2403.12147.
@article{Hinrichs_Matte_2024, title={Feynman-Kac formulas for semigroups generated by multi-polaron Hamiltonians in magnetic fields and on general domains}, journal={arXiv:2403.12147}, author={Hinrichs, Benjamin and Matte, Oliver}, year={2024} }
Hinrichs, Benjamin, and Oliver Matte. “Feynman-Kac Formulas for Semigroups Generated by Multi-Polaron Hamiltonians in Magnetic Fields and on General Domains.” ArXiv:2403.12147, 2024.
B. Hinrichs and O. Matte, “Feynman-Kac formulas for semigroups generated by multi-polaron Hamiltonians in magnetic fields and on general domains,” arXiv:2403.12147. 2024.
Hinrichs, Benjamin, and Oliver Matte. “Feynman-Kac Formulas for Semigroups Generated by Multi-Polaron Hamiltonians in Magnetic Fields and on General Domains.” ArXiv:2403.12147, 2024.