Del Pezzo Surface Fibrations of Degree 4
F. Gundlach, Del Pezzo Surface Fibrations of Degree 4, 2014.
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Gundlach F. Del Pezzo Surface Fibrations of Degree 4.; 2014.
Gundlach, F. (2014). Del Pezzo Surface Fibrations of Degree 4.
@book{Gundlach_2014, title={Del Pezzo Surface Fibrations of Degree 4}, author={Gundlach, Fabian}, year={2014} }
Gundlach, Fabian. Del Pezzo Surface Fibrations of Degree 4, 2014.
F. Gundlach, Del Pezzo Surface Fibrations of Degree 4. 2014.
Gundlach, Fabian. Del Pezzo Surface Fibrations of Degree 4. 2014.