Beyond One-Shot Explanations: A Systematic Literature Review of Dialogue-Based XAI Approaches

D. Mindlin, F. Beer, L.N. Sieger, S. Heindorf, P. Cimiano, E. Esposito, A.-C. Ngonga-Ngomo, (2024).

Preprint | Published | English
Mindlin, Dimitry; Beer, Fabian; Sieger, Leonie NoraLibreCat; Heindorf, StefanLibreCat ; Cimiano, Philipp; Esposito, Elena; Ngonga-Ngomo, Axel-Cyrille
In the last decade, there has been increasing interest in allowing users to understand how the predictions of machine-learned models come about, thus increasing transparency and empowering users to understand and potentially contest those decisions.Dialogue-based approaches, in contrast to traditional one-shot eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) methods, facilitate interactive, in-depth exploration through multi-turn dialogues, simulating expert conversations. This paper reviews the current state of dialogue-based XAI, presenting a systematic review of 1,339 publications, narrowed down to 14 based on inclusion criteria. We explore theoretical foundations of the systems, propose key dimensions along which different solutions to dialogue-based XAI differ, and identify key use cases, target audiences, system components, and the types of supported queries and responses. Furthermore, we investigate the current paradigms by which systems are evaluated and highlight their key limitations. Key findings include identifying the main use cases, objectives, and audiences targeted by dialogue-based XAI methods, and summarize the main types of questions and information needs. Beyond discussing avenues for future work, we present a meta-architecture for these systems from existing literature and outlined prevalent theoretical frameworks.
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Mindlin D, Beer F, Sieger LN, et al. Beyond One-Shot Explanations: A Systematic Literature Review of Dialogue-Based XAI Approaches. Published online 2024.
Mindlin, D., Beer, F., Sieger, L. N., Heindorf, S., Cimiano, P., Esposito, E., & Ngonga-Ngomo, A.-C. (2024). Beyond One-Shot Explanations: A Systematic Literature Review of Dialogue-Based XAI Approaches. Research Square Platform LLC.
@article{Mindlin_Beer_Sieger_Heindorf_Cimiano_Esposito_Ngonga-Ngomo_2024, title={Beyond One-Shot Explanations: A Systematic Literature Review of Dialogue-Based XAI Approaches}, publisher={Research Square Platform LLC}, author={Mindlin, Dimitry and Beer, Fabian and Sieger, Leonie Nora and Heindorf, Stefan and Cimiano, Philipp and Esposito, Elena and Ngonga-Ngomo, Axel-Cyrille}, year={2024} }
Mindlin, Dimitry, Fabian Beer, Leonie Nora Sieger, Stefan Heindorf, Philipp Cimiano, Elena Esposito, and Axel-Cyrille Ngonga-Ngomo. “Beyond One-Shot Explanations: A Systematic Literature Review of Dialogue-Based XAI Approaches.” Research Square Platform LLC, 2024.
D. Mindlin et al., “Beyond One-Shot Explanations: A Systematic Literature Review of Dialogue-Based XAI Approaches.” Research Square Platform LLC, 2024.
Mindlin, Dimitry, et al. Beyond One-Shot Explanations: A Systematic Literature Review of Dialogue-Based XAI Approaches. Research Square Platform LLC, 2024.
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