Impeccability and Temptation: Understanding Christ's Divine and Human Will
J. Grössl, K. von Stosch, eds., Impeccability and Temptation: Understanding Christ’s Divine and Human Will, Routledge, London/New York, 2021.
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Book (Editor)
| English
Grössl, JohannesLibreCat
von Stosch, Klaus

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Routledge Studies in Analytic and Systematic Theology
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Grössl J, von Stosch K, eds. Impeccability and Temptation: Understanding Christ’s Divine and Human Will. Routledge; 2021.
Grössl, J., & von Stosch, K. (Eds.). (2021). Impeccability and Temptation: Understanding Christ’s Divine and Human Will. Routledge.
@book{Grössl_von Stosch_2021, place={London/New York}, series={ Routledge Studies in Analytic and Systematic Theology}, title={Impeccability and Temptation: Understanding Christ’s Divine and Human Will}, publisher={Routledge}, year={2021}, collection={ Routledge Studies in Analytic and Systematic Theology} }
Grössl, Johannes, and Klaus von Stosch, eds. Impeccability and Temptation: Understanding Christ’s Divine and Human Will. Routledge Studies in Analytic and Systematic Theology. London/New York: Routledge, 2021.
J. Grössl and K. von Stosch, Eds., Impeccability and Temptation: Understanding Christ’s Divine and Human Will. London/New York: Routledge, 2021.
Grössl, Johannes, and Klaus von Stosch, editors. Impeccability and Temptation: Understanding Christ’s Divine and Human Will. Routledge, 2021.
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