A Systematic Review of Learning Opportunities within the Crowdworkers’ Workplace

S. Drechsler, C. Harteis, Journal of Education and Learning 14 (2025).

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Journal of Education and Learning

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Drechsler S, Harteis C. A Systematic Review of Learning Opportunities within the Crowdworkers’ Workplace. Journal of Education and Learning. 2025;14(2).
Drechsler, S., & Harteis, C. (2025). A Systematic Review of Learning Opportunities within the Crowdworkers’ Workplace. Journal of Education and Learning, 14(2).
@article{Drechsler_Harteis_2025, title={A Systematic Review of Learning Opportunities within the Crowdworkers’ Workplace}, volume={14}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Education and Learning}, author={Drechsler, Stephan and Harteis, Christian}, year={2025} }
Drechsler, Stephan, and Christian Harteis. “A Systematic Review of Learning Opportunities within the Crowdworkers’ Workplace.” Journal of Education and Learning 14, no. 2 (2025).
S. Drechsler and C. Harteis, “A Systematic Review of Learning Opportunities within the Crowdworkers’ Workplace,” Journal of Education and Learning, vol. 14, no. 2, 2025.
Drechsler, Stephan, and Christian Harteis. “A Systematic Review of Learning Opportunities within the Crowdworkers’ Workplace.” Journal of Education and Learning, vol. 14, no. 2, 2025.


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