Multiresolution analysis on spectra of hermitian matrices
L. Langen, M. Rösler, ArXiv:2410.10364 (2024).

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We establish a multiresolution analysis on the space $\text{Herm}(n)$ of
$n\times n$ complex Hermitian matrices which is adapted to invariance under
conjugation by the unitary group $U(n).$ The orbits under this action are
parametrized by the possible ordered spectra of Hermitian matrices, which
constitute a closed Weyl chamber of type $A_{n-1}$ in $\mathbb R^n.$ The space
$L^2(\text{Herm}(n))^{U(n)}$ of radial, i.e. $U(n)$-invariant $L^2$-functions
on $\text{Herm}(n)$ is naturally identified with a certain weighted $L^2$-space
on this chamber.
The scale spaces of our multiresolution analysis are obtained by usual dyadic
dilations as well as generalized translations of a scaling function, where the
generalized translation is a hypergroup translation which respects the radial
geometry. We provide a concise criterion to characterize orthonormal wavelet
bases and show that such bases always exist. They provide natural orthonormal
bases of the space $L^2(\text{Herm}(n))^{U(n)}.$
Furthermore, we show how to obtain radial scaling functions from classical
scaling functions on $\mathbb R^{n}$. Finally, generalizations related to the
Cartan decompositions for general compact Lie groups are indicated.
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Langen L, Rösler M. Multiresolution analysis on spectra of hermitian matrices. arXiv:241010364. Published online 2024.
Langen, L., & Rösler, M. (2024). Multiresolution analysis on spectra of hermitian matrices. In arXiv:2410.10364.
@article{Langen_Rösler_2024, title={Multiresolution analysis on spectra of hermitian matrices}, journal={arXiv:2410.10364}, author={Langen, Lukas and Rösler, Margit}, year={2024} }
Langen, Lukas, and Margit Rösler. “Multiresolution Analysis on Spectra of Hermitian Matrices.” ArXiv:2410.10364, 2024.
L. Langen and M. Rösler, “Multiresolution analysis on spectra of hermitian matrices,” arXiv:2410.10364. 2024.
Langen, Lukas, and Margit Rösler. “Multiresolution Analysis on Spectra of Hermitian Matrices.” ArXiv:2410.10364, 2024.
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