Mothers of a Nation: How Motherhood and Religion Intermingle in the Hebrew Bible

C.D. Bergmann, Motherhood(s) in Religions: Religionification of Motherhood and Mothers’ Appropriation of Religion 6 (2020) 132–144.

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Motherhood(s) in Religions: Religionification of Motherhood and Mothers’ Appropriation of Religion

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Bergmann CD. Mothers of a Nation: How Motherhood and Religion Intermingle in the Hebrew Bible. Motherhood(s) in Religions: Religionification of Motherhood and Mothers’ Appropriation of Religion. 2020;6:132-144. doi:10.1515/opth-2020-0012
Bergmann, C. D. (2020). Mothers of a Nation: How Motherhood and Religion Intermingle in the Hebrew Bible. Motherhood(s) in Religions: Religionification of Motherhood and Mothers’ Appropriation of Religion, 6, 132–144.
@article{Bergmann_2020, title={Mothers of a Nation: How Motherhood and Religion Intermingle in the Hebrew Bible}, volume={6}, DOI={10.1515/opth-2020-0012}, journal={Motherhood(s) in Religions: Religionification of Motherhood and Mothers’ Appropriation of Religion}, publisher={De Gruyter}, author={Bergmann, Claudia Dorit}, year={2020}, pages={132–144} }
Bergmann, Claudia Dorit. “Mothers of a Nation: How Motherhood and Religion Intermingle in the Hebrew Bible.” Motherhood(s) in Religions: Religionification of Motherhood and Mothers’ Appropriation of Religion 6 (2020): 132–44.
C. D. Bergmann, “Mothers of a Nation: How Motherhood and Religion Intermingle in the Hebrew Bible,” Motherhood(s) in Religions: Religionification of Motherhood and Mothers’ Appropriation of Religion, vol. 6, pp. 132–144, 2020, doi: 10.1515/opth-2020-0012.
Bergmann, Claudia Dorit. “Mothers of a Nation: How Motherhood and Religion Intermingle in the Hebrew Bible.” Motherhood(s) in Religions: Religionification of Motherhood and Mothers’ Appropriation of Religion, vol. 6, De Gruyter, 2020, pp. 132–44, doi:10.1515/opth-2020-0012.


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