Hardness of approximation for ground state problems
S. Gharibian, C. Hecht, ArXiv:2411.04874 (2024).
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Gharibian, SevagLibreCat
Hecht, Carsten

After nearly two decades of research, the question of a quantum PCP theorem
for quantum Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs) remains wide open. As a
result, proving QMA-hardness of approximation for ground state energy
estimation has remained elusive. Recently, it was shown [Bittel, Gharibian,
Kliesch, CCC 2023] that a natural problem involving variational quantum
circuits is QCMA-hard to approximate within ratio N^(1-eps) for any eps > 0 and
N the input size. Unfortunately, this problem was not related to quantum CSPs,
leaving the question of hardness of approximation for quantum CSPs open. In
this work, we show that if instead of focusing on ground state energies, one
considers computing properties of the ground space, QCMA-hardness of computing
ground space properties can be shown. In particular, we show that it is (1)
QCMA-complete within ratio N^(1-eps) to approximate the Ground State
Connectivity problem (GSCON), and (2) QCMA-hard within the same ratio to
estimate the amount of entanglement of a local Hamiltonian's ground state,
denoted Ground State Entanglement (GSE). As a bonus, a simplification of our
construction yields NP-completeness of approximation for a natural k-SAT
reconfiguration problem, to be contrasted with the recent PCP-based PSPACE
hardness of approximation results for a different definition of k-SAT
reconfiguration [Karthik C.S. and Manurangsi, 2023, and Hirahara, Ohsaka, STOC
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Gharibian S, Hecht C. Hardness of approximation for ground state problems. arXiv:241104874. Published online 2024.
Gharibian, S., & Hecht, C. (2024). Hardness of approximation for ground state problems. In arXiv:2411.04874.
@article{Gharibian_Hecht_2024, title={Hardness of approximation for ground state problems}, journal={arXiv:2411.04874}, author={Gharibian, Sevag and Hecht, Carsten}, year={2024} }
Gharibian, Sevag, and Carsten Hecht. “Hardness of Approximation for Ground State Problems.” ArXiv:2411.04874, 2024.
S. Gharibian and C. Hecht, “Hardness of approximation for ground state problems,” arXiv:2411.04874. 2024.
Gharibian, Sevag, and Carsten Hecht. “Hardness of Approximation for Ground State Problems.” ArXiv:2411.04874, 2024.