Low-temperature fabrication of amorphous carbon films as a universal template for remote epitaxy

T. Henksmeier, D. Reuter, Communications Materials (2024).

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Communications materials

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Henksmeier T, Reuter D. Low-temperature fabrication of amorphous carbon films as a universal template for remote epitaxy. Communications materials. Published online 2024. doi:10.48550/ARXIV.2410.15487
Henksmeier, T., & Reuter, D. (2024). Low-temperature fabrication of amorphous carbon films as a universal template for remote epitaxy. Communications Materials. https://doi.org/10.48550/ARXIV.2410.15487
@article{Henksmeier_Reuter_2024, title={Low-temperature fabrication of amorphous carbon films as a universal template for remote epitaxy}, DOI={10.48550/ARXIV.2410.15487}, journal={Communications materials}, author={Henksmeier, Tobias and Reuter, Dirk}, year={2024} }
Henksmeier, Tobias, and Dirk Reuter. “Low-Temperature Fabrication of Amorphous Carbon Films as a Universal Template for Remote Epitaxy.” Communications Materials, 2024. https://doi.org/10.48550/ARXIV.2410.15487.
T. Henksmeier and D. Reuter, “Low-temperature fabrication of amorphous carbon films as a universal template for remote epitaxy,” Communications materials, 2024, doi: 10.48550/ARXIV.2410.15487.
Henksmeier, Tobias, and Dirk Reuter. “Low-Temperature Fabrication of Amorphous Carbon Films as a Universal Template for Remote Epitaxy.” Communications Materials, 2024, doi:10.48550/ARXIV.2410.15487.


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