Fields of Definition of Components of Hurwitz Spaces
B.F. Seguin, ArXiv:2303.05903 (2023).
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For a fixed finite group $G$, we study the fields of definition of
geometrically irreducible components of Hurwitz moduli schemes of marked
branched $G$-covers of the projective line. The main focus is on determining
whether components obtained by "gluing" two other components, both defined over
a number field $K$, are also defined over $K$. The article presents a list of
situations in which a positive answer is obtained. As an application, when $G$
is a semi-direct product of symmetric groups or the Mathieu group $M_{23}$,
components defined over $\mathbb{Q}$ of small dimension ($6$ and $4$,
respectively) are shown to exist.
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Seguin BF. Fields of Definition of Components of Hurwitz Spaces. arXiv:230305903. Published online 2023.
Seguin, B. F. (2023). Fields of Definition of Components of Hurwitz Spaces. In arXiv:2303.05903.
@article{Seguin_2023, title={Fields of Definition of Components of Hurwitz Spaces}, journal={arXiv:2303.05903}, author={Seguin, Beranger Fabrice}, year={2023} }
Seguin, Beranger Fabrice. “Fields of Definition of Components of Hurwitz Spaces.” ArXiv:2303.05903, 2023.
B. F. Seguin, “Fields of Definition of Components of Hurwitz Spaces,” arXiv:2303.05903. 2023.
Seguin, Beranger Fabrice. “Fields of Definition of Components of Hurwitz Spaces.” ArXiv:2303.05903, 2023.