Symmetries of various sets of polynomials
B.F. Seguin, ArXiv:2407.09118 (2024).
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Let $K$ be a field of characteristic $0$ and $k \geq 2$ be an integer. We
prove that every $K$-linear bijection $f : K[X] \to K[X]$ strongly preserving
the set of $k$-free polynomials (or the set of polynomials with a $k$-fold root
in $K$) is a constant multiple of a $K$-algebra automorphism of $K[X]$, i.e.,
there are elements $a, c \in K^{\times}$, $b \in K$ such that $f(P)(X) = c P(a
X + b)$. When $K$ is a number field or $K=\mathbb{R}$, we prove that similar
statements hold when $f$ preserves the set of polynomials with a root in $K$.
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Seguin BF. Symmetries of various sets of polynomials. arXiv:240709118. Published online 2024.
Seguin, B. F. (2024). Symmetries of various sets of polynomials. In arXiv:2407.09118.
@article{Seguin_2024, title={Symmetries of various sets of polynomials}, journal={arXiv:2407.09118}, author={Seguin, Beranger Fabrice}, year={2024} }
Seguin, Beranger Fabrice. “Symmetries of Various Sets of Polynomials.” ArXiv:2407.09118, 2024.
B. F. Seguin, “Symmetries of various sets of polynomials,” arXiv:2407.09118. 2024.
Seguin, Beranger Fabrice. “Symmetries of Various Sets of Polynomials.” ArXiv:2407.09118, 2024.