Asymptotics of extensions of simple ℚ-algebras
F. Gundlach, B.F. Seguin, ArXiv:2405.17286 (2024).
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Gundlach, Fabian;
Seguin, Beranger FabriceLibreCat
We answer various questions concerning the distribution of extensions of a
given central simple algebra $K$ over a number field. Specifically, we give
asymptotics for the count of inner Galois extensions $L|K$ of fixed degree and
center with bounded discriminant. We also relate the distribution of outer
extensions of $K$ to the distribution of field extensions of its center $Z(K)$.
This paper generalizes the study of asymptotics of field extensions to the
noncommutative case in an analogous manner to the program initiated by
Deschamps and Legrand to extend inverse Galois theory to skew fields.
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Gundlach F, Seguin BF. Asymptotics of extensions of simple ℚ-algebras. arXiv:240517286. Published online 2024.
Gundlach, F., & Seguin, B. F. (2024). Asymptotics of extensions of simple ℚ-algebras. In arXiv:2405.17286.
@article{Gundlach_Seguin_2024, title={Asymptotics of extensions of simple ℚ-algebras}, journal={arXiv:2405.17286}, author={Gundlach, Fabian and Seguin, Beranger Fabrice}, year={2024} }
Gundlach, Fabian, and Beranger Fabrice Seguin. “Asymptotics of Extensions of Simple ℚ-Algebras.” ArXiv:2405.17286, 2024.
F. Gundlach and B. F. Seguin, “Asymptotics of extensions of simple ℚ-algebras,” arXiv:2405.17286. 2024.
Gundlach, Fabian, and Beranger Fabrice Seguin. “Asymptotics of Extensions of Simple ℚ-Algebras.” ArXiv:2405.17286, 2024.