Aesthetic Gestures: Elements of a Philosophy of Art in Frege and Wittgenstein

N. Milkov, in: N. Da Costa, Shyam Wuppuluri (Eds.), WITTGENSTEINIAN (Adj.), 1st ed., Springer, Cham, 2020, pp. 505–518.

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Book Chapter | Published | English
Book Editor
Da Costa, Newton
Corporate Editor
Shyam Wuppuluri
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The Frontiers Collection

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Milkov N. Aesthetic Gestures: Elements of a Philosophy of Art in Frege and Wittgenstein. In: Da Costa N, Shyam Wuppuluri, eds. WITTGENSTEINIAN (Adj.). 1st ed. The Frontiers Collection. Springer; 2020:505-518. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-27569-3_27
Milkov, N. (2020). Aesthetic Gestures: Elements of a Philosophy of Art in Frege and Wittgenstein. In N. Da Costa & Shyam Wuppuluri (Eds.), WITTGENSTEINIAN (adj.) (1st ed., pp. 505–518). Springer.
@inbook{Milkov_2020, place={Cham}, edition={1}, series={The Frontiers Collection}, title={Aesthetic Gestures: Elements of a Philosophy of Art in Frege and Wittgenstein}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-030-27569-3_27}, booktitle={WITTGENSTEINIAN (adj.)}, publisher={Springer}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Da Costa, Newton and Shyam Wuppuluri}, year={2020}, pages={505–518}, collection={The Frontiers Collection} }
Milkov, Nikolay. “Aesthetic Gestures: Elements of a Philosophy of Art in Frege and Wittgenstein.” In WITTGENSTEINIAN (Adj.), edited by Newton Da Costa and Shyam Wuppuluri, 1st ed., 505–18. The Frontiers Collection. Cham: Springer, 2020.
N. Milkov, “Aesthetic Gestures: Elements of a Philosophy of Art in Frege and Wittgenstein,” in WITTGENSTEINIAN (adj.), 1st ed., N. Da Costa and Shyam Wuppuluri, Eds. Cham: Springer, 2020, pp. 505–518.
Milkov, Nikolay. “Aesthetic Gestures: Elements of a Philosophy of Art in Frege and Wittgenstein.” WITTGENSTEINIAN (Adj.), edited by Newton Da Costa and Shyam Wuppuluri, 1st ed., Springer, 2020, pp. 505–18, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-27569-3_27.


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