Analyzing Symmetries of Swarms of Mobile Robots Using Equivariant Dynamical Systems

R. Gerlach, S. von der Gracht, ArXiv:2503.07576 (2025).

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In this article, we investigate symmetry properties of distributed systems of mobile robots. We consider a swarm of n robots in the OBLOT model and analyze their collective Fsync dynamics using of equivariant dynamical systems theory. To this end, we show that the corresponding evolution function commutes with rotational and reflective transformations of R^2. These form a group that is isomorphic to O(2) x S_n, the product group of the orthogonal group and the permutation on n elements. The theory of equivariant dynamical systems is used to deduce a hierarchy along which symmetries of a robot swarm can potentially increase following an arbitrary protocol. By decoupling the Look phase from the Compute and Move phases in the mathematical description of an LCM cycle, this hierarchy can be characterized in terms of automorphisms of connectivity graphs. In particular, we find all possible types of symmetry increase, if the decoupled Compute and Move phase is invertible. Finally, we apply our results to protocols which induce state-dependent linear dynamics, where the reduced system consisting of only the Compute and Move phase is linear.
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Gerlach R, von der Gracht S. Analyzing Symmetries of Swarms of Mobile Robots Using Equivariant  Dynamical Systems. arXiv:250307576. Published online 2025.
Gerlach, R., & von der Gracht, S. (2025). Analyzing Symmetries of Swarms of Mobile Robots Using Equivariant  Dynamical Systems. In arXiv:2503.07576.
@article{Gerlach_von der Gracht_2025, title={Analyzing Symmetries of Swarms of Mobile Robots Using Equivariant  Dynamical Systems}, journal={arXiv:2503.07576}, author={Gerlach, Raphael and von der Gracht, Sören}, year={2025} }
Gerlach, Raphael, and Sören von der Gracht. “Analyzing Symmetries of Swarms of Mobile Robots Using Equivariant  Dynamical Systems.” ArXiv:2503.07576, 2025.
R. Gerlach and S. von der Gracht, “Analyzing Symmetries of Swarms of Mobile Robots Using Equivariant  Dynamical Systems,” arXiv:2503.07576. 2025.
Gerlach, Raphael, and Sören von der Gracht. “Analyzing Symmetries of Swarms of Mobile Robots Using Equivariant  Dynamical Systems.” ArXiv:2503.07576, 2025.
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