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282 Publications

1999 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 39474
Flake S, Geiger C, Lehrenfeld G, Müller W, Paelke V. Agent-Based Modeling for Holonic Manufacturing Systems with Fuzzy Control. In: Proceedings of NAFIPS’99, 18th International Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society. IEEE; 1999. doi:10.1109/NAFIPS.1999.781697
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1999 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 39477
Müller W, Ullmann F. Scalable System for 3D Audio Raytracing. In: Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems. ; 1999. doi:10.1109/MMCS.1999.778592
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1998 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 34578
Müller W, Sturm J. Visuelle Spezifikations- und Modellierungstechniken. it - Information Technology. Published online 1998:32-36. doi:10.1524/itit.1998.40.3.32
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1998 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 23938
Müller W, Rammig F-J. Methoden und Beschreibungssprachen zur Modellierung und Verifikation von Schaltungen und Systemen. Vol 36. Verlagsschriftenreihe des Heinz Nixdorf Instituts, Paderborn; 1998.

1998 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 53587
Müller W, Rammig FJ, eds. Proceedings Des Workshops Methoden Und Beschreibungssprachen Zur Modellierung Und Verifikation von Schaltungen Und Systemen.; 1998.

1998 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 39496
Dücker M, Müller W, Rubart J. VIPspace - A Visually Programmable Shared Workspace. In: Proceedings. 1998 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages . ; 1998. doi:10.1109/VL.1998.706150
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1998 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 39499
Geiger C, Lehrenfeld G, Müller W. Authoring Communicating Agents in Virtual Environments. In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference for the Computer Human Interaction. ; 1998.

1998 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 39493
Geiger C, Müller W, Rosenbach W. SAM - An Animated 3D Programming Language. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages. ; 1998. doi:10.1109/VL.1998.706167
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1998 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 39489
Geiger C, Müller W. Visuelle Spezifikation, Modellierung und Animation im Systementwurf. Published online 1998.

1998 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 34577
Müller W, Sturm J. Visuelle Spezifikations- und Modellierungstechniken. it - Information Technology. Published online 1998:32-36. doi:10.1524/itit.1998.40.3.32
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1997 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 39510
Dücker M, Geiger C, Lehrenfeld G, Müller W, Tahedl C. A Visual Programming Language for Qualitative Data. In: Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages. ; 1997. doi:10.1109/VL.1997.626593
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1997 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 39505
Dücker M, Geiger C, Hunstock R, Lehrenfeld G, Müller W. Visual-Textual Prototyping of 4D Scenes. In: Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages. ; 1997. doi:10.1109/VL.1997.626601
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1997 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 39502
Dücker M, Lehrenfeld G, Müller W, Tahedl C. A Generic System for Interactive Real--Time Animation. In: Proceedings International Conference and Workshop on Engineering of Computer-Based Systems. ; 1997. doi:10.1109/ECBS.1997.581876
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1996 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 39513
Aisch H, Joosten M, Müller W, Buijs F. Interaktiver Produktdatenaustausch mit EDIFACT. Published online 1996.

1996 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 39521
Griebel P, Lehrenfeld G, Müller W, Tahedl C, Uhr H. Integrating a Constraint Solver into a Real-Time Animation Environment. In: Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages. ; 1996. doi:10.1109/VL.1996.545262
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1996 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 39517
Dücker M, Lehrenfeld G, Müller W. Specification and Analysis of Concurrent Systems in a Complete Visual Environment. In: Proceedings of the 10th European Simulation Multiconference (ESM’96). ; 1996.

1996 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 39526
Geiger C, Hunstock R, Lehrenfeld G, et al. Visual Modeling and 3D-Representation with a Complete Visual Programming Language --- A Case Study in Manufacturing. In: Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages. ; 1996. doi:10.1109/VL.1996.545302
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1995 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 34448
Börger E, Glässer U, Müller W. A Formal Definition of an Abstract VHDL’93 Simulator by EA-Machines. In: Delgado Kloos C, Breuer PT, eds. Semantics of VHDL. Kluwer Academic Publishers; 1995:107-139. doi:10.1007/978-1-4615-2237-9_5
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1995 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 39532
Lehrenfeld G, Müller W, Wiechers N. Conformance Tests of Very Large STEP Files. In: Proceedings of the 4th EXPRESS User’s Group. ; 1995.

1995 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 39535
Zhao R, Kaufmann HJ, Kern T, Müller W. Pen-based Interfaces for Engineering Environments. In: ; 1995.

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