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742 Publications

2018 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 17749
@inbook{Peckhaus_Thiel_2018, place={Stuttgart}, edition={2., neubearb. u. wesentl. erg. Aufl.}, title={Zermelo-Fraenkelsches Axiomensystem}, booktitle={Enzyklopädie Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie, Bd. 8: Th–Z}, publisher={J.B. Metzler}, author={Peckhaus, Volker and Thiel, Christian}, editor={Mittelstraß, Jürgen}, year={2018}, pages={666–667} }
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2018 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 17747
@inbook{Peckhaus_2018, place={Stuttgart}, edition={2., neubearb. u. wesentl. erg. Aufl.}, title={Weierstraß, Karl Theodor Wilhelm}, booktitle={Enzyklopädie Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie, Bd. 8: Th–Z}, publisher={J.B. Metzler}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, editor={Mittelstraß, Jürgen}, year={2018}, pages={431–433} }
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2018 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 17748
@inbook{Peckhaus_2018, place={Stuttgart}, edition={2., neubearb. u. wesentl. erg. Aufl.}, title={Wiener, Ludwig Christian}, booktitle={Enzyklopädie Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie, Bd. 8: Th–Z}, publisher={J.B. Metzler}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, editor={Mittelstraß, Jürgen}, year={2018}, pages={497–498} }
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2018 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 17750
@inbook{Peckhaus_2018, place={Stuttgart}, edition={2., neubearb. u. wesentl. erg. Aufl.}, title={Zermelosches Axiom}, booktitle={Enzyklopädie Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie, Bd. 8: Th–Z}, publisher={J.B. Metzler}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, editor={Mittelstraß, Jürgen}, year={2018}, pages={669} }
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2018 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 17746
@inbook{Peckhaus_2018, place={Stuttgart}, edition={2., neubearb. u. wesentl. erg. Aufl.}, title={Verknüpfung}, booktitle={Enzyklopädie Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie, Bd. 8: Th–Z}, publisher={J.B. Metzler}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, editor={Mittelstraß, Jürgen}, year={2018}, pages={299–300} }
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2018 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 17745
@inbook{Peckhaus_2018, place={Stuttgart}, edition={2., neubearb. u. wesentl. erg. Aufl.}, title={Reinhold, Christian Gottlieb Ernst Jens}, booktitle={Enzyklopädie Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie, Bd. 7: Re–Te}, publisher={J.B. Metzler}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, editor={Mittelstraß, Jürgen}, year={2018}, pages={59–60} }
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2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 16050
@inproceedings{Camberg_Tröster_Heggemann_Homberg_Schaper_Dietrich_Bremser_Achterberg_Kabst_Wille_et al._2018, title={LHYBS – Lightweight Design by Novel Hybrid Materials}, author={Camberg, Alan Adam and Tröster, Thomas and Heggemann, Thomas and Homberg, H. and Schaper, Mirko and Dietrich, J. and Bremser, Wolfgang and Achterberg, L. and Kabst, M. and Wille, M. and et al.}, year={2018} }

2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 17892
@inbook{Peckhaus_2017, place={Paderborn}, series={Paderborner Universitätsreden}, title={Ansprache}, volume={143}, booktitle={Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde an den Herrn Bundesminister des Auswärtigen Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier durch die Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften am 29. Dezember 2016}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2017}, pages={5–7}, collection={Paderborner Universitätsreden} }

2017 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18727 | OA
@article{Peckhaus_2017, title={Morscher, Edgar, Bernard Bolzanos Lehre von Grund und Folge. Eine axiomatische Rekonstruktion, Academia Verlag: Sankt Augustin 2016 (Beiträge zur Bolzano-Forschung; 37)}, number={Zbl. 1372.01004}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl. 1372.01004}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2017} }
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2017 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18728 | OA
@article{Peckhaus_2017, title={Tho, Tzuchien, Vis vim vi: Declinations of Force in Leibniz’s Dynamics, Springer: Cham 2017 (Studies in History and Philosophy of Science; 46)}, number={Zbl. 1379.01004}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl. 1379.01004}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2017} }
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2017 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18725 | OA
@article{Peckhaus_2017, title={Centrone, Stefania, Studien zu Bolzano, Academia: Sankt Augustin 2015 (Beiträge zur Bolzano-Forschung; 26)}, number={Zbl. 1372.01002}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl. 1372.01002}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2017} }
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2017 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18726 | OA
@article{Peckhaus_2017, title={Casari, Ettore, Bolzano’s Logical System, Oxford University Press: Oxford 2016 (Oxford Logic Guides; 54)}, number={Zbl. 1370.01001}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl. 1370.01001}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2017} }
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2017 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 17815
@article{Peckhaus_2017, title={William Ewald and Wilfried Sieg (eds.), Michael Hallett (associate ed.), David Hilbert’s Lectures on the Foundations of Arithmetic and Logic 1917–1933, in collaboration with Ulrich Majer and Dirk Schlimm (David Hilbert’s Lectures on the Foundations of Mathematics and Physics, 1891–1933, Vol. 3), Springer-Verlag: Berlin and Heidelberg 2013}, volume={105}, journal={Studia Logica}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2017}, pages={669–671} }

2017 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18914
@article{Peckhaus_2017, title={de Rouilhan, Philippe, “Tarski’s Recantation: Reading the Postscript to ‘Wahrheitsbegriff’”, in: F.F. Abeles and M.E. Fuller (eds.), Modern Logic 1850–1950, East and West, Birhäuser/Springer: Cham 2016 (Stud. Univ. Log.), 119–134}, number={MR3560315}, journal={Mathematical Reviews, MR3560315}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2017} }
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2017 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18913
@article{Peckhaus_2017, title={Chemla, Karine, “Historiography and History of Mathematical Proof: A Research Programme”, in: K. Chemla (ed.), The History of Mathematical Proof in Ancient Traditions, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 2015, 1–68}, number={MR3497275}, journal={Mathematical Reviews, MR3497275}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2017} }
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2017 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18916
@article{Peckhaus_2017, title={Caminada, Martin W.A., Dvořák, Wolfgang, und Vesic, Srdjan, “Preferred Semantics as Socratic Discussion”, J. Logic Comput. 26 (2016), no. 4, 1257–1292}, number={MR3566658}, journal={Mathematical Reviews, MR3566658}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2017} }
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2017 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18724 | OA
@article{Peckhaus_2017, title={Lenzen, Wolfgang, “Leibniz’s Logic and the ‘Cube of Opposition’”, Logica Universalis 10 (2016), 171–189}, number={Zbl. 1360.03037}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl. 1360.03037}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2017} }
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2017 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18918
@article{Peckhaus_2017, title={Rosado Haddock, Guillermo E., “The Interplay between Logic, Mathematics and Philosophy”, South African Journal of Logic 2 (2016), 41–66}, number={MR3653828}, journal={Mathematical Reviews, MR3653828}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2017} }
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2017 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18919
@article{Peckhaus_2017, title={Doherty, Fiona T., “Hilbert on Consistency as a Guide to Mathematical Reality”, Logique & Analyse 237 (2017), 107–128}, number={MR3675958}, journal={Mathematical Reviews, MR3675958}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2017} }
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2016 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18911
@article{Peckhaus_2016, title={Bringsjord, Selmar und Govindarajulu, Naveen Sundar, “Leibniz’s Art of Infallibility, Watson, and the Philosophy, Theory, and Future of AI”, in: V.C. Müller (Hg.), Fundamental Issues of Artificial Intelligence, Springer: Cham 2016 (Synthese Library; 376), 183–200}, number={MR3587596}, journal={Mathematical Reviews, MR3587596}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2016} }
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