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153 Publications

2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 41534
Processing of New Materials by Additive Manufacturing: Iron-Based Alloys Containing Silver for Biomedical Applications
T. Niendorf, F. Brenne, K.-P. Hoyer, D. Schwarze, M. Schaper, R. Grothe, M. Wiesener, G. Grundmeier, H.J. Maier, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 46 (2015) 2829–2833.
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2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 24112
Processing of New Materials by Additive Manufacturing: Iron-Based Alloys Containing Silver for Biomedical Applications
T. Niendorf, F. Brenne, K.-P. Hoyer, D. Schwarze, M. Schaper, R. Grothe, M. Wiesener, G. Grundmeier, H.J. Maier, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (2015) 2829–2833.
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2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 23906
Testing of pipe sections
A. Andreiev, O. Golovko, I. Frolov, F. Nürnberger, L.O. Wolf, M. Schaper, O. Grydin, Materials Testing (2015) 643–648.
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