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1593 Publications

1992 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 16546
@inbook{Dellnitz_Golubitsky_Melbourne_1992, place={Basel}, title={Mechanisms of Symmetry Creation}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-0348-7536-3_9}, booktitle={Bifurcation and Symmetry}, author={Dellnitz, Michael and Golubitsky, Martin and Melbourne, Ian}, year={1992} }
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1992 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 16547
@inbook{Dellnitz_Marsden_Melbourne_Scheurle_1992, place={Basel}, title={Generic Bifurcations of Pendula}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-0348-7536-3_10}, booktitle={Bifurcation and Symmetry}, author={Dellnitz, Michael and Marsden, Jerrold E. and Melbourne, Ian and Scheurle, Jürgen}, year={1992} }
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1992 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16548
@article{Dellnitz_Melbourne_Marsden_1992, title={Generic bifurcation of Hamiltonian vector fields with symmetry}, DOI={10.1088/0951-7715/5/4/008}, journal={Nonlinearity}, author={Dellnitz, M and Melbourne, I and Marsden, J E}, year={1992}, pages={979–996} }
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1992 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 17012
@article{Dellnitz_1992, title={Computational bifurcation of periodic solutions in systems with symmetry}, volume={12}, DOI={10.1093/imanum/12.3.429}, number={3}, journal={IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis}, author={Dellnitz, Michael}, year={1992}, pages={429–455} }
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1992 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 51585
@article{Hilgert_1992, title={Fomenko, A.T. Symplectic Geometry (Gordon and Breach, 1988)}, volume={94}, journal={JBer. DMV}, author={Hilgert, Joachim}, year={1992} }

1992 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 51442
@article{Hilgert_Ólafsson_1992, title={Analytic Extensions of Representations, the Solvable Case}, volume={18}, journal={Japan. J. Math.}, author={Hilgert, Joachim and Ólafsson, G.}, year={1992}, pages={213–290} }

1992 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 51443
@article{Hilgert_1992, title={Controllability on Real Reductive Groups}, volume={209}, journal={Math. Zeitschrift}, author={Hilgert, Joachim}, year={1992}, pages={463–466} }

1992 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 54832
@book{Rösler_1992, place={TU München}, title={Durch orthogonale trigonometrische Systeme auf dem Einheitskreis induzierte Faltunsstrukturen auf Z}, author={Rösler, Margit}, year={1992} }

1991 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 51588
@article{Hilgert_1991, title={Varadarajan, V.S. An Introduction to Harmonic Analysis on Semisimple Lie Groups (Cambridge University Press, 1989)}, volume={94}, number={4}, journal={JBer. DMV}, author={Hilgert, Joachim}, year={1991} }

1991 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 51589
@article{Hilgert_1991, title={Terras, A. Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces I and II (Springer, New York, 1985 und 1988)}, volume={93}, number={2}, journal={JBer. DMV}, author={Hilgert, Joachim}, year={1991} }

1991 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 51445
@article{Hilgert_Ólafsson_Orsted_1991, title={Hardy Spaces on Affine Symmetric Spaces}, volume={415}, journal={J. reine und angew. Math.}, author={Hilgert, Joachim and Ólafsson, G. and Orsted, B.}, year={1991}, pages={189–218} }

1991 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 51483
@inbook{Hilgert_1991, place={Wien}, title={Group Theoretical Aspects of Gödels Model}, booktitle={Jahrbuch der Gödel Gesellschaft}, author={Hilgert, Joachim}, editor={Hilgert, Joachim}, year={1991} }

1991 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 51444
@article{Hilgert_1991, title={Infinitesimally Generated Subsemigroups of Motion Groups}, volume={21}, journal={Rocky Mount. J. Math.}, author={Hilgert, Joachim}, year={1991}, pages={865–878} }

1991 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 51586
@article{Hilgert_1991, title={Onishchik, A.L., und E.B. Vinberg. Lie Groups and Algebraic Groups (Springer, New York, 1990)}, volume={722}, journal={Zentralblatt}, author={Hilgert, Joachim}, year={1991} }

1991 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40656
@inproceedings{Rösler_1991, title={On optimal linear mean estimators for weakly stationary stochastic processes}, booktitle={Orthogonal polynomials and their applications (Erice, 1990)}, publisher={IMACS Ann. Comput. Appl. Math., 9,}, author={Rösler, Margit}, year={1991}, pages={373–378} }

1991 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 51497
@book{Hilgert_Neeb_1991, place={Wiesbaden}, title={Lie-Gruppen und Lie-Algebren}, publisher={Vieweg Verlag}, author={Hilgert, Joachim and Neeb, Karl-Hermann}, year={1991} }
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1991 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40218
@article{Lasser_Rösler_1991, title={Linear mean estimation of weakly stationary stochastic processes under the aspects of optimality and asymptotic optimality}, volume={38}, DOI={10.1016/0304-4149(91)90095-t}, number={2}, journal={Stochastic Processes and their Applications}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Lasser, R. and Rösler, Margit}, year={1991}, pages={279–293} }
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1990 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 51484
@inbook{Hilgert_1990, place={Berlin}, title={Applications of Lie Semigroups in Analysis}, booktitle={The Analytical and Topological Theory of Semigroups}, publisher={De Gruyter}, author={Hilgert, Joachim}, editor={Hofmann, K.H. and et al.}, year={1990} }

1990 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 51446
@article{Hilgert_Hofmann_1990, title={On the Causal Structure of Homogeneous Manifolds}, volume={67}, journal={Math. Scand.}, author={Hilgert, Joachim and Hofmann, K.H.}, year={1990}, pages={119–144} }

1989 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16682
@article{Dellnitz_Werner_1989, title={Computational methods for bifurcation problems with symmetries—with special attention to steady state and Hopf bifurcation points}, DOI={10.1016/0377-0427(89)90150-7}, journal={Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics}, author={Dellnitz, Michael and Werner, Bodo}, year={1989}, pages={97–123} }
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