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3745 Publications
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5236
@article{Schmitz_Schiele_2017, title={Sick already? Job loss makes it even worse}, journal={Atlas of Science}, author={Schmitz, Hendrik and Schiele, Valentin}, year={2017} }
2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 5238
@inbook{Schmitz_2017, title={Preis, Service oder Leistungen: Was beeinflusst besonders die Krankenkassenwahl von gesetzlich Versicherten?}, booktitle={Krankenversicherung im Rating}, publisher={Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH}, author={Schmitz, Hendrik}, editor={Adolph, T.Editor}, year={2017} }
2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 53
@inproceedings{Neumann_Gutt_Kundisch_2017, title={The Traveling Reviewer Problem – Exploring the Relationship Between Offline Locations and Online Rating Behavior}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)}, author={Neumann, Jürgen and Gutt, Dominik and Kundisch, Dennis}, year={2017} }
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2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5328
@inproceedings{Larivière_Bowen_Andreassen_Kunz_Sirianni_Voss_Wünderlich_De Keyser_2017, title={Service Encounter 2.0": An Investigation Into the Roles of Technology, Employees and Customers.}, booktitle={Proceedings of QUIS 2017}, author={Larivière, Bart and Bowen, David and Andreassen, Tor W and Kunz, Werner and Sirianni, Nancy J and Voss, Chris and Wünderlich, Nancy and De Keyser, Arne}, year={2017} }
2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5329
@inproceedings{Becker-Özcamlica_Teßmer_Wünderlich_2017, title={Do Companies Really Have to Emphasize the Triple Bottom Line? Analyzing the Effect of Competing Sustainable Market Orientations.}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference}, author={Becker-Özcamlica, Hürrem and Teßmer, Isabel and Wünderlich, Nancy}, year={2017} }
2017 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 54
@inproceedings{Neumann_Gutt_Kundisch_2017, title={The Traveling Reviewer Problem – Exploring the Relationship between Offline Locations and Online Rating Behavior}, booktitle={INFORMS Annual Meeting}, author={Neumann, Jürgen and Gutt, Dominik and Kundisch, Dennis}, year={2017} }
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2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5479
@article{Eggert_Steinhoff_Witte_2017, series={2017 Winter AMA Proceedings}, title={The Loyalty Effect of Gift Purchases}, author={Eggert, Andreas and Steinhoff, Lena and Witte, Carina}, year={2017}, collection={2017 Winter AMA Proceedings} }
2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5482
@article{Garnefeld_Boehm_Feider_2017, series={2017 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference Proceedings}, title={Managing the Necessary Evil: Can Payment Methods Reduce Product Returns}, author={Garnefeld, I and Boehm, E and Feider, L}, year={2017}, collection={2017 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference Proceedings} }
2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5483
@article{Cramer_Boehm_Eggert_2017, series={2017 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference Proceedings}, title={Service Awards: Do They Help or Harm in Case of a Service Failure?}, author={Cramer, C and Boehm, E and Eggert, A}, year={2017}, collection={2017 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference Proceedings} }
2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5594 |
@inproceedings{Wagner_Prester_Schryen_2017, title={Exploring the Scientific Impact of Information Systems Design Science Research: A Scientometric Study}, booktitle={38th International Conference on Information Systems}, author={Wagner, Gerit and Prester, Julian and Schryen, Guido}, year={2017} }
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2017 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 56
@inproceedings{John_2017, title={Supporting Business Model Idea Generation Through Machine-generated Ideas: A Design Theory}, booktitle={1st Business Model Conference}, author={John, Thomas}, year={2017} }
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2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5626
@article{Schryen_Hristova_2017, title={High-Performance Business Computing - Effizienzsteigerung durch Parallelisierung}, journal={Smart Data Radar (Deutsche Bank)}, author={Schryen, Guido and Hristova, Diana}, year={2017} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5633 |
@article{Schryen_Benlian_Rowe_Shirley_Larsen_Petter_Par{\’e}_Wagner_Haag_Yasasin_2017, title={Literature Reviews in IS Research: What Can Be Learnt from the Past and Other Fields?}, volume={40}, journal={Communications of the AIS}, publisher={Association for Information Systems (AIS)}, author={Schryen, Guido and Benlian, Alexander and Rowe, Frantz and Shirley, Gregor and Larsen, Kai and Petter, Stacie and Par{\’e}, Guy and Wagner, Gerit and Haag, Steffi and Yasasin, Emrah}, year={2017}, pages={557–569} }
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2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5671 |
@article{Scholz_Dorner_Schryen_Benlian_2017, title={A configuration-based recommender system for supporting e-commerce decisions}, volume={259}, number={1}, journal={European Journal of Operational Research}, publisher={Elsevier}, author={Scholz, Michael and Dorner, Verena and Schryen, Guido and Benlian, Alexander}, year={2017}, pages={205–215} }
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2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 6489
@article{Kremer_Frehe_Kückmann_Kundisch_2017, title={Forschung in Innovationsarenen - Formate und Reflexionen einer gestaltungsorientierten Berufsbildungsforschung}, number={33}, journal={bwp@ Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik - online}, author={Kremer, H.-Hugo and Frehe, Petra and Kückmann, Marie-Ann and Kundisch, Heike}, year={2017}, pages={1–22} }
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2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 6491
@article{Kremer_Frehe_2017, title={Qualifizierungsbausteine in ausbildungsvorbereitenden Bildungsgängen am Berufskolleg}, number={166}, journal={Berufsbildung}, author={Kremer, H.-Hugo and Frehe, Petra}, year={2017}, pages={21–24} }
2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 6493
@inbook{Frehe_Kremer_2017, place={Shanghai}, title={Internationale Förderklassen an Berufskollegs. Ein ausbildungsvorbereitendes Anegbot!?}, booktitle={Berufsschullehrerbildung in der Volksrepublik China und in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Professionalisierung - Kompetenzen - Herausforderungen}, author={Frehe, Petra and Kremer, H.-Hugo}, editor={Wang, J. and Feng, X. and Rützel, J.Editors}, year={2017}, pages={338–354} }
2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 6496
@inbook{Kremer_Frehe_2017, place={Baltmannsweiler}, title={Berufskollegübergreifende Entwicklungsverbünde - Innovationen für eine nachhaltige Bildungsarbeit vor Ort}, booktitle={Berufsbildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung auf dem Weg in den (Unterrichts-)Alltag: Wie können Vernetzungsaktivitäten die Implementation unterstützen?}, author={Kremer, H.-Hugo and Frehe, Petra}, editor={Fischer, A. and Hahn, G.Editors}, year={2017}, pages={68–80} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 17158
@article{Beverungen_Müller_Matzner_Mendling_vom Brocke_2017, title={Conceptualizing smart service systems}, DOI={10.1007/s12525-017-0270-5}, journal={Electronic Markets}, author={Beverungen, Daniel and Müller, Oliver and Matzner, Martin and Mendling, Jan and vom Brocke, Jan}, year={2017}, pages={7–18} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 1054
@article{Brosig-Koch_Hehenkamp_Kokot_2017, title={The effects of competition on medical service provision}, volume={26}, DOI={10.1002/hec.3583}, number={53}, journal={Health Economics}, publisher={Wiley Online Library}, author={Brosig-Koch, Janet and Hehenkamp, Burkhard and Kokot, Johanna}, year={2017}, pages={6–20} }
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