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3744 Publications

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54201
@article{Bartlitz_2014, title={Sanktionen bei mangelnder Bonitätsprüfung durch den Kreditgeber bei Verbraucherkrediten. Anmerkung zu EuGH, Urt. v. 27.03.2014 - C-565/12}, number={27}, journal={Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW)}, author={Bartlitz, David}, year={2014}, pages={1944–1945} }

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54194
@article{Bartlitz_Hoffmann_2014, title={Erläuterungs- und Bonitätsprüfungspflicht im Verbraucherkreditrecht}, number={49}, journal={Wertpapier-Mitteilungen (WM)}, author={Bartlitz, David and Hoffmann, Jochen}, year={2014}, pages={2297–2304} }

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 37107
@inproceedings{Florou_Kosi_2014, title={Does mandatory IFRS adoption facilitate debt financing? }, author={Florou, Annita and Kosi, Urska}, year={2014} }

2014 | Working Paper | LibreCat-ID: 37090
@book{Koren_Kosi_Valentincic_2014, title={Cost of Debt for Private Firms Revisited: Voluntary Audits as a Reflection of Risk}, author={Koren, Jernej and Kosi, Urska and Valentincic, Aljosa}, year={2014} }

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2742
@inproceedings{Beutner_Kundisch_Magenheim_Zoyke_2014, title={Support, Supervision, Feedback and Lecturers Role in the use of the Classroom Response Systems PINGO}, booktitle={Proceedings of the World Conference on E-Learning}, author={Beutner, Marc and Kundisch, Dennis and Magenheim, J. and Zoyke, A.}, year={2014}, pages={197–204} }

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4037
@article{Kosi_Reither_2014, title={Determinants of corporate participation in the IFRS 4 (insurance contracts) replacement process}, volume={11}, DOI={10.1080/17449480.2014.897459}, number={1}, journal={Accounting in Europe}, author={Kosi, Urska and Reither, Antonia}, year={2014}, pages={89–112} }
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2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4879
@article{Koren_Kosi_Valentincic_2014, title={Does Financial Statement Audit Reduce the Cost of Debt of Private Firms?}, journal={SSRN Electronic Journal }, author={Koren, Jernej and Kosi, Urska and Valentincic, Aljosa}, year={2014} }

2014 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 46588
@book{Janssen_2014, title={The Influence of Peers and Politics on Economic Outcomes - Empirical and Experimental Evidence in the Fields of Social Norms, Politically Connected Firms, Taxation and Climate Change}, author={Janssen, Elmar}, year={2014} }

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 46695
@inproceedings{Eggert_Münkhoff_Thiesbrummel_2014, title={Service transition: A viable option for manufacturing companies with declining financial performance?}, booktitle={43rd EMAC Annual Conference, Valencia}, author={Eggert, A. and Münkhoff, Eva and Thiesbrummel, C.}, year={2014} }

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 46692
@inproceedings{Kanuri_Münkhoff_Scheer_2014, title={Service transition versus service infusion: Different pathways to success for service-oriented manufacturers?}, booktitle={ISBM 2014 Academic Conference, San Francisco, CA}, author={Kanuri, V. and Münkhoff, Eva and Scheer, L. K.}, year={2014} }

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 46693
@inproceedings{Münkhoff_Eggert_Terho_Haas_Ulaga_2014, title={Salespersons’ solution crafting capability: A knowledge-based perspective}, booktitle={ISBM 2014 Academic Conference, San Francisco, CA}, author={Münkhoff, Eva and Eggert, A. and Terho, H. and Haas, A. and Ulaga, W.}, year={2014} }

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 46694
@inproceedings{Eggert_Haas_Terho_Ulaga_Münkhoff_2014, title={Selling value in business markets: Why a powerful idea often fails}, booktitle={ISBM 2014 Academic Conference, San Francisco, CA}, author={Eggert, A. and Haas, A. and Terho, H. and Ulaga, W. and Münkhoff, Eva}, year={2014} }

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 41341
@article{Eggert_Hogreve_Ulaga_Münkhoff_2014, title={Revenue and Profit Implications of Industrial Service Strategies}, volume={17}, DOI={10.1177/1094670513485823}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Service Research}, publisher={SAGE Publications}, author={Eggert, Andreas and Hogreve, Jens and Ulaga, Wolfgang and Münkhoff, Eva}, year={2014}, pages={23–39} }
LibreCat | DOI

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 56303
@article{Bachmann_Baumgarten_Stiebale_2014, title={Foreign direct investment, heterogeneous workers and employment security: Evidence from Germany}, volume={47}, DOI={10.1111/caje.12094}, number={3}, journal={Canadian Journal of Economics}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Bachmann, Ronald and Baumgarten, Daniel and Stiebale, Joel}, year={2014}, pages={720–757} }
LibreCat | DOI

2013 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 2543
@article{Brangewitz_Gamp_2013, title={Asymmetric Nash bargaining solutions and competitive payoffs}, volume={121}, DOI={10.1016/j.econlet.2013.08.013}, number={2}, journal={Economics Letters}, publisher={Elsevier}, author={Brangewitz, Sonja and Gamp, Jan-Philip}, year={2013}, pages={224–227} }
LibreCat | Files available | DOI

2013 | Report | LibreCat-ID: 2826
@book{Kundisch_2013, title={Good Practice Methoden: Klicker Fragen}, author={Kundisch, Dennis}, year={2013}, pages={84–87} }

2013 | Report | LibreCat-ID: 2827
@book{Kundisch_2013, series={Forschung und Lehre}, title={Direkte Rückmeldung erwünscht}, volume={4}, author={Kundisch, Dennis}, year={2013}, pages={296–297}, collection={Forschung und Lehre} }

2013 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 2843
@article{Gries_Bilkic_Carerras Painter_2013, title={Unsustainable Sovereign Debt - Is the Euro Crisis only the Tip of the Iceberg?}, volume={10}, DOI={10.1007/s10368-013-0230-2}, number={1}, journal={International Economics and Economic Policy}, author={Gries, Thomas and Bilkic, Natascha and Carerras Painter, Ben}, year={2013}, pages={1–45} }
LibreCat | DOI

2013 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 2844
@article{Gries_2013, title={Global Asymmetries and their Implications for Climate and Industrial Policies, in: Pathways to Industrialization in the Twenty-First Century - New Challenges and Emerging Paradigms}, volume={ch. 11}, DOI={10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199667857.001.0001}, journal={Oxford University Press}, author={Gries, Thomas}, year={2013}, pages={293–323} }
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2013 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 2845
@article{Gries_Meierrieks_2013, title={Do banking crises cause terrorism?}, volume={119}, DOI={10.1016/j.econlet.2013.03.009}, number={3}, journal={Economics Letters }, author={Gries, Thomas and Meierrieks, Daniel}, year={2013}, pages={321–324} }
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