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323 Publications

2012 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5578 | OA
Wex F, Schryen G, Neumann D. A Fuzzy Decision Support Model for Natural Disaster Response under Informational Uncertainty. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. 2012;4(3):23-41.
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2012 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5579 | OA
Wex F, Schryen G, Neumann D. Operational Emergency Response under Informational Uncertainty: A Fuzzy Optimization Model for Scheduling and Allocating Rescue Units. In: International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) 2012. ; 2012.
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2012 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5615 | OA
Schryen G, Wex F. IS Design Thinking in Disaster Management Research. In: 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. ; 2012.
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2012 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5638 | OA
Schryen G. Profis im Netz: Soziale Netzwerke könnten in Unternehmen viel mehr Nutzen stiften - woran hakt es?, in: Die Zeit (12.04.2012). Die Zeit. 2012.
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2012 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5639 | OA
Schryen G. Soziale Netzwerke in Unternehmenskontexten - Potentiale und Anforderungen, in: Information Management & Consulting, to appear. IM Information Management & Consulting. 2012.
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2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5684 | OA
Lang F, Schryen G, Fink A. Automated Negotiations Under Uncertain Preferences. In: Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2011). ; 2011.
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2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5689 | OA
Bodenstein C, Schryen G, Neumann D. Reducing Datacenter Energy Usage through Efficient Job Allocation. In: Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2011). ; 2011.
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2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5581 | OA
Wex F, Schryen G, Neumann D. Intelligent Decision Support for Centralized Coordination during Emergency Response. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2011). ; 2011.
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2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5619 | OA
Schryen G, Volkamer M, Ries S. A formal approach towards measuring trust in distributed systems. In: Proceedings of the 26th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. ; 2011.
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2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5640 | OA
Schryen G. Is open source security a myth? What do vulnerability and patch data say? Communications of the ACM (CACM). 2011;Vol. 54(No. 5):130-139.
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2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5641 | OA
Schryen G. Seeking the VALUE in IS Business Value Research - An Agenda for investigating Synergies Between Socio-organizational Change, IS Capabilities Change, and IS Innovation. In: IS Capabilities Change, and IS Innovation, Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2011), Helsinki. ; 2011.
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2010 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5685 | OA
Finkbeiner J, Bodenstein C, Schryen G, Neumann D. Applying heuristic methods for job scheduling in storage markets. In: 18th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2010). ; 2010.
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2010 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5690 | OA
Bodenstein C, Schryen G, Neumann D. From “Take-it-or-leave-it” offers to “Take-it-or-be-left-out” Ultimatum - A trade mechanism for Online Services. In: 18th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2010). ; 2010.
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2010 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5598 | OA
Volkamer M, Schryen G. Measuring eTrust in distributed systems - General Concept and Application to Internet Voting. In: Proceedings of the 23rd Bled EConference. ; 2010.
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2010 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5631 | OA
Schryen G, Eliot R. Increasing software security through open source or closed source development? Empirics suggest that we have asked the wrong question. In: 43rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. ; 2010.
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2010 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5632 | OA
Schryen G, Bodenstein C. A decision-theoretic foundation of IS business value research. In: Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2010). ; 2010.
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2010 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5642 | OA
Schryen G. A Fuzzy Model for IT Security Investments. In: C. Freiling F, ed. Sicherheit 2010 : Sicherheit, Schutz Und Zuverl{\"a}ssigkeit ; Konferenzband Der 5. Jahrestagung Des Fachbereichs Sicherheit Der Gesellschaft F{\"u}r Informatik e.V. (GI), 5. - 7. Oktober 2010 in Berlin. Vol 170. GI-Edition: lecture notes in informatics. Proceedings. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik; 2010:289-304.
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2010 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5643 | OA
Schryen G. An Analysis of Literature Reviews on IS Business Value: How Deficiencies in Methodology and Theory Use Resulted in Limited Effectiveness. In: Proceedings of the First Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems (SCIS). ; 2010.
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2010 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5644 | OA
Schryen G. Preserving knowledge on IS business value: what literature reviews have done. Business \& Information Systems Engineering (BISE). 2010;52(4):225-237.
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2010 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5645 | OA
Schryen G. Ökonomischer Wert von Informationssystemen - Beitrag von Literatur-Reviews zum Wissenserhalt ( = Preserving Knowledge on IS Business Value. What Literature Reviews Have Done). Wirtschaftsinformatik. 2010;52(4):225-237.
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