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9760 Publications
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 42569
@article{Fuchs_2016, title={Henryk Grossmann 2.0: Eine Kritik an Paul Masons Buch „Postkapitalismus: Grundrisse einer kommenden Ökonomie“}, journal={Z 107}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2016}, pages={98–114} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 42571
@article{Fuchs_2016, title={Een kritiek van Post Kapitalisme, een gids voor de toekomst van Paul Mason}, journal={Marxistische Studies 115}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2016}, pages={82–96} }
2016 | Report | LibreCat-ID: 42629 |

@book{Fuchs_2016, title={The Multiple Aspects of Politics and Sustainability in Community Networks. EU Horizon 2020 Project netCommons, Deliverable 2.1 (Version 1, June 2016)}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 42962
@article{Allmer_2016, title={Critical Learning in Digital Networks}, volume={7}, number={1}, journal={The Journal of Contemporary Community Education Practice Theory }, author={Allmer, Thomas}, year={2016}, pages={1–3} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 44165 |

@article{Müller_2016, title={Reiseimpressionen zwischen Differenz und Transkulturalität in Wolfgang Büschers “Ein Frühling in Jerusalem”}, volume={34}, number={2016}, journal={Cadernos de Literatura Comparada}, author={Müller, Inez}, year={2016}, pages={19} }
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2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 41566 |

@article{Fuchs_2016, title={Herbert Marcuse and Social Media}, volume={10}, DOI={}, number={1}, journal={Radical Philosophy Review}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2016}, pages={113–143} }
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2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 41565
@article{Fuchs_2016, title={Red Scare 2.0: User-Generated Ideology in the Age of Jeremy Corbyn and Social Media}, volume={15}, number={4}, journal={Journal of Language and Politics}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2016}, pages={369–398} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 41568
@article{Fuchs_2016, title={Le travail digital et l’impérialisme}, volume={115}, journal={Études Marxistes}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2016}, pages={46–58} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 41567
@article{Fuchs_2016, title={Digital Labor and Imperialism}, volume={67}, number={8}, journal={Monthly Review}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2016}, pages={14–24} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 41569
@article{Fuchs_2016, title={Digitale arbeid en imperialisme}, volume={115}, journal={Marxistische Studies}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2016}, pages={47–58} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 41570
@article{Fuchs_2016, title={Trabajo digital e imperialismo}, volume={22}, journal={Boletín Onteaiken}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2016}, pages={32–41} }
2016 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 41612
@inbook{Fuchs_2016, place={Leiden}, title={Towards Marxian Internet Studies}, booktitle={Marx in the age of digital capitalism}, publisher={Brill}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, editor={Fuchs, Christian and Mosco, Vincent}, year={2016}, pages={22–67} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 41613
@article{Fuchs_2016, title={ Em direção a uma problemática marxista de estudos sobre a internet. Translated by Rafael Grohmann}, volume={43}, journal={Crítica Marxista}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2016}, pages={67–93} }
2016 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 42383
@inbook{Fuchs_Mosco_2016, place={Leiden}, title={Introduction: Marx is Back: The Importance of Marxist Theory and Research for Critical Communication Studies Today}, booktitle={Marx and the Political Economy of the Media. Studies in Critical Social Sciences, Volume 79}, publisher={Brill}, author={Fuchs, Christian and Mosco, Vincent}, editor={Fuchs, Christian and Mosco, Vincent}, year={2016}, pages={1–22} }
2016 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 42384
@inbook{Fuchs_Mosco_2016, place={Leiden}, title={Introduction: Marx is Back: The Importance of Marxist Theory and Research for Critical Communication Studies Today}, booktitle={Marx in the Age of Digital Capitalism. Studies in Critical Social Sciences, Volume 80}, publisher={Brill}, author={Fuchs, Christian and Mosco, Vincent}, editor={Fuchs, Christian and Mosco, Vincent}, year={2016}, pages={1–21} }
2016 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 42381
@inbook{Fuchs_2016, place={Wiesbaden}, title={Information Ethics in the Age of Digital Labour and the Surveillance-Industrial Complex}, booktitle={Information Cultures in the Digital Age: A Festschrift in Honor of Rafael Capurro}, publisher={Springer}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, editor={Kelly, Matthew and Bielby, Jared}, year={2016}, pages={173–190} }
2016 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 42382
@inbook{Fuchs_2016, place={Hoboken}, title={Critical Theory}, booktitle={International Encyclopedia of Political Communication}, publisher={NJ: Wiley-Blackwell}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, editor={Mazzoleni, Gianpietro and Barnhurst, Kevin and Ikeda, Ken’ichi and Mai, Rouisley and Wessler, Hartmut}, year={2016} }
2016 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 42559 |

@article{Fuchs_2016, title={What The US Presidential Election Result Tells Us About the Failures Of Big Data Analytics And Neoliberalism As Big Data Capitalism}, journal={The Huffington Post}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 42562 |

@article{Fuchs_2016, title={User-Generated Ideology on Social Media: A New Study Shows How Users Oppose and Support Jeremy Corbyn on Twitter}, journal={The Huffington Post}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 42561 |

@article{Fuchs_2016, title={Legal Struggles in the Age of Uber-Capitalism: Are Uber-Drivers Workers or Self-Employed?}, journal={The Huffington Post}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2016} }
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