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9760 Publications
2016 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 42560 |

@article{Fuchs_2016, title={The Facebook/Admiral Scandal Shows The Limits And Dangers Of Big Data Capitalism}, journal={The Huffington Post}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 42575 |

@article{Fuchs_2016, title={Bosses’ right to snoop on staff emails is an invasion of privacy and ignores the way we work}, journal={New Statesman Online}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 42574 |

@article{Fuchs_2016, title={Bosses’ right to snoop on staff emails is an invasion of privacy and ignores the way we work}, journal={The Conversation}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 42576 |

@article{Fuchs_2016, title={Expanding tweets from 140 characters to 10,000? Not nearly radical enough}, journal={The Conversation}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 42577
@article{Fuchs_2016, title={Against Theoretical Thatcherism: A Reply to Nicholas Garnham}, volume={38}, number={2}, journal={Media, Culture & Societ}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2016}, pages={301–311} }
2016 | Report | LibreCat-ID: 42563 |

@book{Fuchs_Townsend_Wallace_Jessop_Harte_Perez Vallejos_Lepps_Holden_Orton Johnston_Sloan_et al._2016, title={Social Media Research: A Guide to Ethics}, author={Fuchs, Christian and Townsend, Leanne and Wallace, Claire and Jessop, Curtis and Harte, Dave and Perez Vallejos, Elvira and Lepps, Hayley and Holden, Jennifer and Orton Johnston, Kate and Sloan, Luke and et al.}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 42573 |

@article{Fuchs_Smith_Gunn_Asher_Cole_2016, title={Strategies moving forward: Social movements and progressive governments: A round table discussion}, volume={1}, number={2}, journal={Heathwood Journal of Critical Theory}, author={Fuchs, Christian and Smith, R.C. and Gunn, Richard and Asher, Gordon and Cole, Penny}, year={2016} }
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2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 42572 |

@article{Fuchs_2016, title={Neoliberalism in Britain: From Thatcherism to Cameronism}, volume={14}, DOI={}, number={1}, journal={tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2016}, pages={163–188} }
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2016 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 43038
@inbook{Matzner_2016, place={Tübingen}, title={Videoüberwachung als Instrument der Prävention?}, booktitle={Prävention und Freiheit. Zur Notwendigkeit eines Ethik-Diskurses. Gutachten für den 21. Deutschen Präventionstag am 6./7. Juni 2016 in Magdeburg}, author={Matzner, Tobias}, editor={Ammicht Quinn, Regina}, year={2016} }
2016 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 42935
@article{Matzner_2016, title={Neither platform nor media company. Popping a filter bubble is not that easy}, journal={}, author={Matzner, Tobias}, year={2016} }
2016 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 42936
@article{Matzner_2016, title={Grasping the ethics and politics of algorithms}, journal={}, author={Matzner, Tobias}, year={2016} }
2016 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 42915
@inbook{Matzner_2016, place={Bielefeld}, title={Personen verwalten oder Personen sein (müssen)? Normen der Privatheit (nicht nur) in der digitalen Kommunikation}, booktitle={Technisierte Lebenswelt – Über den Prozess der Figuration von Mensch und Technik}, publisher={transcript}, author={Matzner, Tobias}, editor={Adam, Marie-Hélèn and Gellai, Szilvia and Knifka, Julia}, year={2016}, pages={227–242} }
2016 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 42917
@inbook{Matzner_2016, place={Stuttgart}, title={Anonymität}, booktitle={Handbuch Informations- und Medienethik}, publisher={Verlag J.B. Metzler}, author={Matzner, Tobias}, editor={Heesen, Jessica}, year={2016} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 42889
@article{Matzner_2016, title={Beyond data as representation: The performativity of Big Data in surveillance}, journal={Surveillance & Society 14 Nr.2}, author={Matzner, Tobias}, year={2016}, pages={197–210} }
2016 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 28152
@inbook{Matzner_Masur_Ochs_von Pape_2016, place={Dordrecht}, title={Do-It-Yourself Data Protection—Empowerment or Burden?}, booktitle={Data Protection on the Move – Current Developments in ICT and Privacy/Data Protection}, publisher={Springer}, author={Matzner, Tobias and Masur, Philipp K and Ochs, Carsten and von Pape, Thilo}, editor={Gutwirth, Serge and De Hert, Paul and Leenes, Ronald}, year={2016}, pages={277–305} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 42901
@article{Rolf_Shnayien_2016, title={Geruchswahrnehmung aus der Luft ist meines Wissens nach gestattet.‘ Daten, Drohnen, Drogenfahndung am Beispiel des Cannachoppers}, number={17}, journal={onlinejournal kultur & geschlecht}, author={Rolf, Carolin and Shnayien, Marie-Luise}, year={2016}, pages={1–19} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 35169 |

@article{Rolf_Shnayien_2016, title={„Geruchswahrnehmung aus der Luft ist meines Wissens nach gestattet.“ Daten, Drohnen, Drogenfahndung am Beispiel des Cannachoppers}, number={17}, journal={onlinejournal kultur & geschlecht}, author={Rolf, Carolin and Shnayien, Mary}, year={2016}, pages={1–19} }
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2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 44171
@inproceedings{Müller_2016, place={München}, series={Zur Darstellung von Zeitgeschichte in deutschsprachiger Gegenwartsliteratur}, title={Gunther Geltingers “Moor” als umweltorientierter Regional- und Adoleszenzroman}, volume={9}, booktitle={Umwelt - sozial, kulturell und ökologisch. }, publisher={iudicium Verlag}, author={Müller, Inez}, year={2016}, collection={Zur Darstellung von Zeitgeschichte in deutschsprachiger Gegenwartsliteratur} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 44173
@article{Müller_2016, title={Ich, ein anderer. Autofiktion und autobiographisches Schreiben in “Am Beispiel meines Bruders” von Uwe Timm}, volume={1}, number={206}, journal={literatur für Leser}, publisher={Peter Lang Verlag}, author={Müller, Inez}, year={2016}, pages={15} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 44421
@article{Ahrens_2016, title={„You have been warned!“ Verdrängt und gehasst: Schrille BRD-Imaginarien in DEFA-Filmen der 1950er-Jahre [Anlässlich der Retrospektive Geliebt und Verdrängt des Filmfests Locarno]}, journal={Film-Dienst Nr. 17 }, author={Ahrens, Stephan}, year={2016} }