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2855 Publications

2005 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2114 | OA
Korzeniowski, M., & Scheideler, C. (2005). Transparent Data Structures, or How to Make Search Trees Robust in a Distributed Environment. In ISPAN (pp. 182--187).
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2005 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2115 | OA
Kothapalli, K., & Scheideler, C. (2005). Supervised Peer-to-Peer Systems. In ISPAN (pp. 188--193).
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2005 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2116 | OA
Onus, M., W. Richa, A., Kothapalli, K., & Scheideler, C. (2005). Efficient Broadcasting and Gathering in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks. In ISPAN (pp. 346--351).
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2005 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2117 | OA
Kothapalli, K., Scheideler, C., Onus, M., & W. Richa, A. (2005). Constant density spanners for wireless ad-hoc networks. In SPAA (pp. 116--125).
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2005 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2118 | OA
Scheideler, C. (2005). How to spread adversarial nodes?: rotate! In STOC (pp. 704--713).
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2005 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 18608 | OA
Schindlmayr, A. (2005). Magnetic excitations. In S. Blügel, T. Brückel, & C. M. Schneider (Eds.), Magnetism goes Nano (Vol. 26, p. D1.1-D1.20). Jülich: Forschungszentrum Jülich.
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2005 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2212 | OA
Scheideler, C. (2005). Overlay networks for wireless ad hoc networks. In IMA Workshop on Wireless Communications.
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2005 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4249 | OA
Butscher, S., Förstner, J., Waldmüller, I., & Knorr, A. (2005). Ultrafast electron-phonon interaction of intersubband transitions: Quantum kinetics from adiabatic following to Rabi-oscillations. Physical Review B, 72(4), 045314-045314–4.
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2005 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4252 | OA
Dineen, C., Förstner, J., Zakharian, A. R., Moloney, J. V., & Koch, S. W. (2005). Electromagnetic field structure and normal mode coupling in photonic crystal nanocavities. Optics Express, 13(13).
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2005 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4262 | OA
Töben, L., Gundlach, L., Ernstorfer, R., Eichberger, R., Hannappel, T., Willig, F., … Schmidt, W. G. (2005). Femtosecond Transfer Dynamics of Photogenerated Electrons at a Surface Resonance of Reconstructed InP(100). Physical Review Letters, 94(6).
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2005 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5660 | OA
Schryen, G. (2005). A honeypot for the exploration of spammers’ behaviour. IATAC IAnewsletter, 8(3), 22–25.
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2005 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5661 | OA
Schryen, G. (2005). An e-mail honeypot addressing spammers’ behavior in collecting and applying addresses. In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Information Assurance Workshop (pp. 37–41). Westpoint.
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2005 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 11803 | OA
Haeb-Umbach, R., & Warsitz, E. (2005). Adaptive Filter-and-Sum Beamforming in Spatially Correlated Noise. In International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC 2005).
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2005 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 11827 | OA
Ion, V., & Haeb-Umbach, R. (2005). A Unified Probabilistic Approach to Error Concealment for Distributed Speech Recognition. In Interspeech 2005.
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2005 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 11828 | OA
Ion, V., & Haeb-Umbach, R. (2005). A Comparison of Soft-Feature Distributed Speech Recognition with Candidate Codecs for Speech Enabled Mobile Services. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2005) (Vol. 1, pp. 333–336).
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2005 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 11930 | OA
Warsitz, E., & Haeb-Umbach, R. (2005). Acoustic filter-and-sum beamforming by adaptive principal component analysis. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2005) (Vol. 4, p. iv/797-iv/800 Vol. 4).
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2005 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 15559 | OA
Hagengruber, R. (2005). Mapping the Multitude. Categories in a Process Ontology. In K.-D. Althoff (Ed.), Professional Knowledge Management Experiences and Visions. 3rd Conference WM.
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2005 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 34779 | OA
Süßmann, J. (2005). [Rez. v.] Kersten Krüger: Die landständische Verfassung (=Enzyklopädie deutscher Geschichte. 67), R. Oldenbourg Verlag, München 2003, XII + 148 S. In Comparativ (Vol. 15, Issue 3, pp. 119–121).
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2005 | Report | LibreCat-ID: 34936 | OA
Engel, G., Scholz, S., & Süßmann, J. (2005). Tagungsbericht: Fallstudien. Theorie – Geschichte – Methode. Internationale Konferenz (gefördert von der DFG).
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2005 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 47694 | OA
Spanke, C. (2005). Implementierung der Coppersmith-Methode zur Untersuchung von Schwachstellen bei RSA.
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