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411 Publications
2000 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 8336
Depke, Ralph, et al. “Deploying Agents in an Electronic Banking Environment.” Proceedings of the Workshop on Agents in Industry (Agents 2000; Satellite Event of the 4th International Conference on Autonomous Agents), Barcelona (Spain), 2000.
2000 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 8337
Depke, Ralph, et al. “Rollenbasierte Modellierung Autonomer Agenten.” Proceedings of the Workshop Des Arbeitskreises GROOM Der GI Fachgruppe 2.1.9 Objektorientierte Software-Entwicklung on Visuelle Verhaltensmodellierung Verteilter Und Nebenläufiger Software-Systeme, Münster (Germany), Universität Münster, 2000.
2000 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 8338
Depke, Ralph, and Reiko Heckel. “Formalizing the Development of Agent-Based Systems Using Graph Processes.” Proceedings of the Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modelling Techniques (Satellite Event of the ICALP 2000), Geneva (Switzerland), Carleton Scientific, 2000, pp. 419–26.
2000 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 8339
Engels, Gregor, and Reiko Heckel. “From Trees to Graphs: Defining the Semantics of Diagram Languages with Graph Transformation.” Proceedings of the Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques (Satellite Events of the ICALP 2000), Geneva(Switzerland), Carleton Scientific, 2000, pp. 373–82.
2000 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 8340
Engels, Gregor, et al. “Modeling Concurrent Behavior through Consistent Statechart Views.” Proceedings of the Workshop on Dynamic Behaviour in UML Models: Semantic Questions, Munich (Germany), no. 0006, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, 2000, pp. 44–49.
2000 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6012
Frank, Melanie, et al. “Elektronischer Vertrieb von Dienstleistungen: Optimaler Serverstandort Als Warehouse Location Problem.” Tagungsband Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI), edited by F. Bodendorf and G. Grauer, Shaker, 2000, pp. 208–22.
2000 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6013
Buhl, H. U., et al. “IT-Enabled Sophistication Banking.” Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Information Systems 2000 (ECIS), edited by M. Bichler et al., vol. 2, Gabler, 2000, pp. 789–95.
2000 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 6014
Calaminus, D., et al. “Ein Contentmodell für den Multichannel Vertrieb von Finanzdienstleistungen.” 3. FANTagung 2000, 2000.
2000 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6015
Kundisch, Dennis. “Buyer Search Behavior on an Electronic Commodity Market: Consumer’s Decision for a Sequential or Simultaneous Search Method.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Commerce 2000 (ICEC), edited by S. H. Kim et al., 2000, pp. 88–93.
2000 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 6144
Gutmann, J., and Rüdiger Kabst. Internationalisierung Im Mittelstand: Chancen, Risiken, Erfolgsfaktoren. 2000.
2000 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 6145
Kabst, Rüdiger. Steuerung Und Kontrolle Internationaler Joint Venture: Eine Transaktionskostentheoretisch Fundierte Empirische Analyse. 2000.
2000 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 6220
Weber, W., et al. “Human Resource Policies in European Organizations: Country vs. Company-Specific Antecedents.” New Challenges for European Human Resource Management, edited by C Brewster et al., Macmillan Press, 2000, pp. 247–66.
2000 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 6221
Weber, W., and Rüdiger Kabst. “Internationale Joint Ventures.” Internationalisierung Im Mittelstand: Chancen, Risiken, Erfolgsfaktoren, edited by J Gutmann and R Kabst, 2000, pp. 257–72.
2000 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 6222
Weber, W., and Rüdiger Kabst. “Internationalisierung Mittelständischer Unternehmen: Organisationsform Und Personalmanagement.” Internationalisierung Im Mittelstand: Chancen, Risiken, Erfolgsfaktoren, edited by J Gutmann and R Kabst, 2000, pp. 3–89.
2000 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 6223
Friedrich, A., et al. “Job Rotation: An Empirical Analysis on the Utilization and Strategic Integration in European Companies.” New Challenges for European Human Resource Management, edited by C Brewster et al., Macmillan Press, 2000, pp. 56–71.
2000 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 6224
Weber, W., and Rüdiger Kabst. “Personalpraktiken in Europäischen Unternehmen: Gemeinsamkeiten Und Unterschiede.” Personalmanagement in Europa, edited by E Regnet and L M Hofmann, 2000, pp. 320–32.
2000 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 6225
Brewster, C., and Rüdiger Kabst. “Personalpraktiken National Und International Tätiger Unternehmen.” Internationalisierung Im Mittelstand: Chancen, Risiken, Erfolgsfaktoren, edited by J Gutmann and R Kabst, 2000, pp. 289–314.
2000 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 6226
Weber, W., et al. “Perspektiven Personalwirtschaftlicher Forschung.” Jahrbuch Personalentwicklung Und Weiterbildung 2000/2001, edited by J Gutmann, 2000.
2000 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 6397
Kabst, Rüdiger. Erfolgsfaktoren Der Internationalisierung Mittelständischer Unternehmen: Markteintrittsstrategien Und Personalmanagement, Paderborn 2000. . 2000.
2000 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4636
Feng, Yuanhua, and Siegfried Heiler. “Eine Robuste Datengesteuerte Version Des Berliner-Verfahrens.” Wirtschaft Und Statistik, 2000, pp. 786–95.