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411 Publications
2000 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18341 |
@article{Peckhaus_2000, title={Müller, Ralf, Die dynamische Logik des Erkennens von Charles S. Peirce, Königshausen & Neumann: Würzburg 1999}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl. 0934.01004}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2000} }
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2000 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18360 |
@article{Peckhaus_2000, title={Glashoff, Klaus, „Das Rad der Gründe — Der Hetucakradamara von Dignaga“, Mitt. Math. Ges. Hamb. 18 (1999), 75–104}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl. 0946.01004}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2000} }
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2000 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18337 |
@article{Peckhaus_2000, title={da Silva, Jairo José, “Husserl’s Phenomenology and Weyl’s Predicativism”, Synthese 110 (1997), 277–296}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl. 0927.01014}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2000} }
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2000 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18340 |
@article{Peckhaus_2000, title={Landini, Gregory, Russell’s Hidden Substitutional Theory, Oxford University Press: Oxford 1998}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl. 0933.03002}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2000} }
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2000 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18356 |
@article{Peckhaus_2000, title={Rivadulla, Andrés, “The Popperian Revolution in the Methodology of Science”, In: Jesús Padilla Gálvez et al. (eds.), Wittgenstein and the Vienna Circle. Proceedings of the International Congress, Toledo, Spain, November 2–5, 1994, Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha: Cuenca 1998 (Estudios; 49), 305–316}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl. 0940.01006}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2000} }
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2000 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18361 |
@article{Peckhaus_2000, title={Radu, Mircea, “Justus Grassmann’s Contributions to the Foundations of Mathematics: Mathematical and Philosophical Aspects”, Historia Mathematica 27 (2000), 4–35}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl. 0948.01009}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2000} }
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2000 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18357 |
@article{Peckhaus_2000, title={Mancosu, Paolo, “Between Russell and Hilbert: Behmann on the Foundations of Mathematics”, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 5 (1999), 303–330}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl. 0942.03002}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2000} }
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2000 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18342 |
@article{Peckhaus_2000, title={Hintikka, Jaakko. “On Gödel’s Philosophical Assumptions”, Synthese 114 (1998), 13–23}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl. 0935.01008}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2000} }
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2000 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18345 |
@article{Peckhaus_2000, title={Boolos, George und Richard G. Heck jun., “Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik, §§ 82–3”, In: Matthias Schirn (Hg.), The Philosophy of Mathematics Today. Papers from a Conference, Munich, Germany, June 28–July 4, 1993, Clarendon Press: Oxford 1998, 407–428}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl. 0935.03008}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2000} }
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2000 | Habilitation | LibreCat-ID: 19784
@book{Scheideler_2000, title={Probabilistic Methods for Coordination Problems}, author={Scheideler, Christian}, year={2000} }
2000 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55254
@article{Milkov_2000, title={Lotze and the Early Cambridge Analytic Philosophy}, volume={13}, journal={Prima philosophia }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2000}, pages={133–153} }
2000 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 17527
@inbook{Peckhaus_2000, place={Dordrecht/Boston/London}, series={Synthese Library}, title={Was George Boole Really the ‘Father’ of Modern Logic?}, volume={219}, booktitle={A Boole Anthology. Recent and Classical Studies in the Logic of George Boole}, publisher={Kluwer Academic Publishers}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, editor={Gasser, James}, year={2000}, pages={271–285}, collection={Synthese Library} }
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2000 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 17524
@inbook{Peckhaus_2000, place={Dordrecht/Boston/London}, series={Synthese Library}, title={Scientific Progress and Changes of Order Hierarchies of Scientific Disciplines}, volume={289}, booktitle={The Growth of Mathematical Knowledge}, publisher={Kluwer Academic Publishers}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, editor={Grosholz, Emily and Breger, Herbert}, year={2000}, pages={363–376}, collection={Synthese Library} }
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2000 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 17526
@inbook{Peckhaus_2000, place={Dordrecht/Boston/London}, series={New Synthese Historical Library}, title={The Contextualism of Philosophy}, volume={48}, booktitle={The Sociology of Philosophical Knowledge}, publisher={Kluwer Academic Publishers}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, editor={Kusch, Martin}, year={2000}, pages={179–191}, collection={New Synthese Historical Library} }
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2000 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 25256
@book{Reis_2000, place={Münster}, title={Kohlberg als Schlüssel zum ethischen Lernen im Religionsunterricht? Überlegungen zum Entwicklungsgedanken in der Moralerziehung}, author={Reis, Oliver}, year={2000} }
2000 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 40102
@inbook{Schmitz_2000, place={Las Palmas de Gran Canaria}, title={La estética de Benito Pérez Galdós ante el impacto del positivismo- ¿Perfecto fiel de balanza entre la exactitud y la belleza de la reproducción?}, booktitle={Galdós y el 98. Actas del VI Congreso Internacional Galdosiano }, publisher={Ediciones del Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria/ Casa Museo Galdós}, author={Schmitz, Sabine}, year={2000}, pages={1033–1044} }
2000 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 40105
@book{Schmitz_2000, place={Tübingen}, title={Spanischer Naturalismus: Entwurf eines Epochenprofils im Kontext des “Krausopositivismo”}, publisher={Niemeyer}, author={Schmitz, Sabine}, year={2000} }
2000 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 39815
@inbook{Schmitz_2000, place={Frankfurt a.M.}, title={En busca de alusiones a la literatura española en la correspondencia de Federico II o la transformación de un Rey prusiano en un Don Quijote del Norte}, booktitle={Federico II de Prusia y los Españoles}, publisher={Peter Lang}, author={Schmitz, Sabine}, editor={Lope, Hans-Joachim}, year={2000}, pages={123–140} }
2000 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27935
@article{Bigga_2000, title={Fünf vor zwölf und keinen Ausbildungsplatz. Eine Unterrichtsskizze zur Berufsorientierung. }, volume={2}, journal={awt-info }, author={Bigga, Regine}, year={2000}, pages={20–28} }
2000 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 37370
@inbook{Weber_2000, place={Opladen}, title={Geschichte wird gemacht: Selbst- und Fremdkategorisierungen feministischer Theorie}, booktitle={Subjekt und Erkenntnis. Einsichten in feministische Theoriebildungen}, publisher={Leske & Budrich}, author={Weber, Jutta}, editor={Projekt feministische Theorien im Nordverbund}, year={2000}, pages={127–140} }