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469 Publications
2001 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 8925
@inproceedings{Wallaschek_Hemsel_2001, series={VDI-Z/Konstruktion}, title={Piezoelektrische lineare Schwingungsantriebe}, booktitle={Special Antriebstechnik}, author={Wallaschek, Jörg and Hemsel, Tobias}, year={2001}, pages={70–71}, collection={VDI-Z/Konstruktion} }
2001 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 995
@inproceedings{Karl_Mengesha_2001, title={Analysing capacity improvements in wireless networks by relaying}, booktitle={Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Wireless LANs and Home Networks}, author={Karl, Holger and Mengesha, Seble}, year={2001}, pages={339--348} }
2001 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 996
@inproceedings{Quynh_Karl_Wolisz_Rebensburg_2001, title={Relative jitter packet scheduling for differentiated services}, booktitle={Proc. 9th IFIP Conf. Perf. Modeling and Eval. of ATM & IP Networks}, author={Quynh, T and Karl, Holger and Wolisz, Adam and Rebensburg, Klaus}, year={2001} }
2001 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5105
@article{Clark_Fahr_2001, title={The promise of workplace training for non-college-bound youth: Theory and evidence from German apprenticeship}, volume={528}, journal={CEP Discussion Paper No. 528}, publisher={London School of Economics}, author={Clark, Damon and Fahr, Rene}, year={2001} }
2001 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 5670
@book{Schryen_2001, place={Wiesbaden}, title={Komponentenorientierte Softwareentwicklung in Softwareunternehmen: Konzeption eines Vorgehensmodells zur Einführung und Etablierung}, publisher={Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag}, author={Schryen, Guido}, year={2001} }
2001 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 6760
@book{Tönnies_Viol_2001, place={Stuttgart}, title={British Political Speeches from Churchill to Blair}, publisher={Reclam}, year={2001} }
2001 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 16492
@inproceedings{Wand_Fischer_Peter_Meyer auf der Heide_Straßer_2001, title={The randomized z-buffer algorithm}, DOI={10.1145/383259.383299}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 28th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques - SIGGRAPH ’01}, author={Wand, Michael and Fischer, Matthias and Peter, Ingmar and Meyer auf der Heide, Friedhelm and Straßer, Wolfgang}, year={2001} }
2001 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 16493
@inbook{Meyer auf der Heide_2001, place={Berlin, Heidelberg}, series={ Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, title={Data Management in Networks}, volume={2204}, DOI={10.1007/3-540-45477-2_2}, booktitle={Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science}, author={Meyer auf der Heide, Friedhelm}, year={2001}, collection={ Lecture Notes in Computer Science} }
2001 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 16494
@inbook{Meyer auf der Heide_Wanka_2001, place={Berlin, Heidelberg}, title={Parallel Bridging Models and Their Impact on Algorithm Design}, DOI={10.1007/3-540-45718-6_68}, booktitle={Computational Science - ICCS 2001}, author={Meyer auf der Heide, Friedhelm and Wanka, Rolf}, year={2001} }
2001 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 16555
@inbook{Dellnitz_Froyland_Junge_2001, place={Berlin, Heidelberg}, title={The Algorithms Behind GAIO — Set Oriented Numerical Methods for Dynamical Systems}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-642-56589-2_7}, booktitle={Ergodic Theory, Analysis, and Efficient Simulation of Dynamical Systems}, author={Dellnitz, Michael and Froyland, Gary and Junge, Oliver}, year={2001} }
2001 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 16598
@inbook{Froyland_2001, place={Boston, MA}, title={Extracting Dynamical Behavior via Markov Models}, DOI={10.1007/978-1-4612-0177-9_12}, booktitle={Nonlinear Dynamics and Statistics}, author={Froyland, Gary}, year={2001} }
2001 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16601
@article{Froyland_Junge_Ochs_2001, title={Rigorous computation of topological entropy with respect to a finite partition}, DOI={10.1016/s0167-2789(01)00216-0}, journal={Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena}, author={Froyland, Gary and Junge, Oliver and Ochs, Gunter}, year={2001}, pages={68–84} }
2001 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16617
@article{Junge_2001, title={An adaptive subdivision technique for the approximation of attractors and invariant measures: proof of convergence}, DOI={10.1080/14689360109696233}, journal={Dynamical Systems}, author={Junge, Oliver}, year={2001}, pages={213–222} }
2001 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 16722
@book{Meyer auf der Heide_2001, place={Berlin, Heidelberg}, edition={Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, volume 2161)}, title={Algorithms — ESA 2001, 9th Annual European Symposium Århus, Denmark}, DOI={10.1007/3-540-44676-1}, publisher={Springer }, year={2001} }
2001 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16811
@article{Domik_2001, title={Glimpses into the Future of Computer Science Education}, volume={7}, DOI={10.3217/jucs-007-05-0366}, number={5}, journal={J. (UCS)}, author={Domik, Gitta}, year={2001}, pages={366–378} }
2001 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 17027
@article{Dellnitz_Junge_Thiere_2001, title={The numerical detection of connecting orbits}, volume={1}, DOI={10.3934/dcdsb.2001.1.125}, number={1531-3492_2001_1_125}, journal={Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B}, author={Dellnitz, Michael and Junge, Oliver and Thiere, Bianca}, year={2001}, pages={125–135} }
2001 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 10713
@article{Mencer_Platzner_Morf_J. Flynn_2001, title={Object-oriented domain specific compilers for programming FPGAs}, volume={9}, DOI={10.1109/92.920835}, number={1}, journal={{IEEE} Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration ({VLSI}) Systems}, author={Mencer, Oskar and Platzner, Marco and Morf, Martin and J. Flynn, Michael}, year={2001}, pages={205–210} }
2001 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 11734 |
@inproceedings{Bischoff_Haeb-Umbach_Schulz_Heinrichs_2001, title={Implementation of a Rake Receiver Architecture into a Galileo Receiver}, booktitle={1st ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technology (Navitec 2001)}, author={Bischoff, R. and Haeb-Umbach, Reinhold and Schulz, W. and Heinrichs, G.}, year={2001} }
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2001 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 11778 |
@article{Haeb-Umbach_2001, title={Automatic generation of phonetic regression class trees for MLLR adaptation}, volume={9}, DOI={10.1109/89.906003}, number={3}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing}, author={Haeb-Umbach, Reinhold}, year={2001}, pages={299–302} }
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2001 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 11870 |
@article{Loog_Duin_Haeb-Umbach_2001, title={Multiclass linear dimension reduction by weighted pairwise Fisher criteria}, volume={23}, DOI={10.1109/34.935849}, number={7}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence}, author={Loog, M. and Duin, R.P.W. and Haeb-Umbach, Reinhold}, year={2001}, pages={762–766} }
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