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1399 Publications
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 8471
Palladio-based performance blame analysis
F. Brüseke, S. Becker, G. Engels, in: Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Component-Oriented Programming (WCOP; Satellite Event of the CompArch 2011), Boulder Colorado, CO (USA), ACM, New York, NY (USA), 2011, pp. 25–32.
F. Brüseke, S. Becker, G. Engels, in: Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Component-Oriented Programming (WCOP; Satellite Event of the CompArch 2011), Boulder Colorado, CO (USA), ACM, New York, NY (USA), 2011, pp. 25–32.
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 8472
Semi-automatische Ableitung externer Anpassungsmechanismen für selbst-adaptive Systeme
B. Nagel, in: Proceedings of the Software Engineering 2011 (SE 2011), Karlsruhe (Germany), Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), Bonn, 2011.
B. Nagel, in: Proceedings of the Software Engineering 2011 (SE 2011), Karlsruhe (Germany), Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), Bonn, 2011.
2011 | Bachelorsthesis | LibreCat-ID: 8841
Search on Semi-Structured Data using Lucene Search Engine
I. Jovanovikj, Search on Semi-Structured Data Using Lucene Search Engine, 2011.
I. Jovanovikj, Search on Semi-Structured Data Using Lucene Search Engine, 2011.
2011 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9589
Kompetenzbegriff und Evaluation im beruflichen Bildungswesen
M. Beutner, in: T. Häcker, K. Bartel, K. Peters (Eds.), Lehrerbildung phasenübergreifend denken. Facetten einer bundesweiten Debatte, Baltmannsweiler, 2011, pp. 140–158.
M. Beutner, in: T. Häcker, K. Bartel, K. Peters (Eds.), Lehrerbildung phasenübergreifend denken. Facetten einer bundesweiten Debatte, Baltmannsweiler, 2011, pp. 140–158.
2011 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9726
Introducing Narrative in Drama
C. Flotmann, M. Tönnies, in: M. Tönnies, C. Flotmann-Scholz (Eds.), Narrative in Drama: CDE Studies 18, WVT, Trier, 2011, pp. 9–17.
C. Flotmann, M. Tönnies, in: M. Tönnies, C. Flotmann-Scholz (Eds.), Narrative in Drama: CDE Studies 18, WVT, Trier, 2011, pp. 9–17.
2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9765
Multi-Objective Optimization of a Piezoelectric Sandwich Ultrasonic Transducer by Using Elitist Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm
T. Hemsel, B. Fu, Y. Jing, X. Fu, Key Engineering Materials 474–476 (2011) 1808–1812.
T. Hemsel, B. Fu, Y. Jing, X. Fu, Key Engineering Materials 474–476 (2011) 1808–1812.
2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9767
Multi-DOF cylindrical piezoelectric actuator with radial polarization
R. Lucinskis, D. Mazeika, T. Hemsel, R. Bansevicius, AIP Conference Proceedings 1433 (2011) 693–696.
R. Lucinskis, D. Mazeika, T. Hemsel, R. Bansevicius, AIP Conference Proceedings 1433 (2011) 693–696.
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 9768
Dependability Analysis of the Degradation Behavior of Mechatronics Systems with Different Operating Strategies
O. Lurie, I. Kromov, A. Trächtler, C. Sondermann-Wölke, W. Sextro, in: 25. Tagung Technische Zuverlässigkeit (TTZ 2011) - Entwicklung Und Betrieb Zuverlässiger Produkte, Leonberg, 2011, pp. 99–110.
O. Lurie, I. Kromov, A. Trächtler, C. Sondermann-Wölke, W. Sextro, in: 25. Tagung Technische Zuverlässigkeit (TTZ 2011) - Entwicklung Und Betrieb Zuverlässiger Produkte, Leonberg, 2011, pp. 99–110.
2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9769
Improved Process for Hydrothermal Lead-Free Piezoelectric Powders and Performances of Sintered (K0.48Na0.52)NbO3 Ceramics
T. Maeda, T. Hemsel, T. Morita, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 50 (2011) 07HC01.
T. Maeda, T. Hemsel, T. Morita, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 50 (2011) 07HC01.
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 9770
Component-based Hazard Analysis for Mechatronic Systems
C. Priesterjahn, C. Sondermann-Wölke, M. Tichy, C. Hölscher, in: Proc. of the 2nd IEEE International Workshop MoBE-RTES at the 14th IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC), IEEE Computer Society, Newport Beach, USA (USA), 2011.
C. Priesterjahn, C. Sondermann-Wölke, M. Tichy, C. Hölscher, in: Proc. of the 2nd IEEE International Workshop MoBE-RTES at the 14th IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC), IEEE Computer Society, Newport Beach, USA (USA), 2011.
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 9771
Zuverlässigkeitsorientierte Mehrzieloptimierung zur Aktorrekonfiguration eines X-by-wire-Fahrzeugs
C. Sondermann-Wölke, W. Sextro, P. Reinold, A. Trächtler, in: 25. Tagung Technische Zuverlässigkeit (TTZ 2011) - Entwicklung Und Betrieb Zuverlässiger Produkte, Leonberg, 2011, pp. 291–302.
C. Sondermann-Wölke, W. Sextro, P. Reinold, A. Trächtler, in: 25. Tagung Technische Zuverlässigkeit (TTZ 2011) - Entwicklung Und Betrieb Zuverlässiger Produkte, Leonberg, 2011, pp. 291–302.
2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9772
Friction in wheel--rail contact: A model comprising interfacial fluids, surface roughness and temperature
C. Tomberger, P. Dietmaier, W. Sextro, K. Six, Wear 271 (2011) 2–12.
C. Tomberger, P. Dietmaier, W. Sextro, K. Six, Wear 271 (2011) 2–12.
2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9877
High temperature tolerant transducer for Ultrasonic Assisted Hydrothermal Method
G. Isobe, P. Bornmann, T. Hemsel, T. Morita, Proceedings of Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics 32 (2011) 19–20.
G. Isobe, P. Bornmann, T. Hemsel, T. Morita, Proceedings of Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics 32 (2011) 19–20.
2011 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 9918
Narrative in Drama
M. Tönnies, C. Flotmann, eds., Narrative in Drama, WVT, Trier, 2011.
M. Tönnies, C. Flotmann, eds., Narrative in Drama, WVT, Trier, 2011.
2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4089
Phonon-assisted decoherence and tunneling in quantum dot molecules
A. Grodecka-Grad, J. Förstner, Physica Status Solidi (C) 8 (2011) 1125–1128.
| Files available
A. Grodecka-Grad, J. Förstner, Physica Status Solidi (C) 8 (2011) 1125–1128.
2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4140
Relaxation of a strained 3C-SiC(111) thin film on silicon by He+ and O+ ion beam defect engineering
M. Häberlen, B. Murphy, B. Stritzker, J. Lindner, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 272 (2011) 322–325.
| Files available
M. Häberlen, B. Murphy, B. Stritzker, J. Lindner, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 272 (2011) 322–325.
2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4142
Decoupling of a strained 3C-SiC(111) thin film on silicon by He+ and O+ ion implantation
M. Häberlen, B. Murphy, B. Stritzker, J. Lindner, Physica Status Solidi (C) 8 (2011) 944–947.
| Files available
M. Häberlen, B. Murphy, B. Stritzker, J. Lindner, Physica Status Solidi (C) 8 (2011) 944–947.
2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4148
Photoluminescence properties of Sm2+-doped BaBr2 under hydrostatic pressure
M.C. Wiegand, W. Sievers, J. Lindner, T. Tröster, S. Schweizer, Journal of Luminescence 131 (2011) 2400–2403.
| Files available
M.C. Wiegand, W. Sievers, J. Lindner, T. Tröster, S. Schweizer, Journal of Luminescence 131 (2011) 2400–2403.
2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4150
Combinedab initioand classical potential simulation study on silicon carbide precipitation in silicon
F. Zirkelbach, B. Stritzker, K. Nordlund, J. Lindner, W.G. Schmidt, E. Rauls, Physical Review B 84 (2011).
| Files available
F. Zirkelbach, B. Stritzker, K. Nordlund, J. Lindner, W.G. Schmidt, E. Rauls, Physical Review B 84 (2011).
2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4157
Paying for Performance in Hospitals
B. Hehenkamp, O. Kaarboe, Economic Analysis and Policy 41 (2011) 49–70.
B. Hehenkamp, O. Kaarboe, Economic Analysis and Policy 41 (2011) 49–70.