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2015 Publications
2014 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 40630
"Schule für alle" - ein Projekt zur Förderung fachlicher und überfachlicher Kompetenzen
B. Kottmann, in: C. Rohlfs, M. Harring, C. Palentien (Eds.), Kompetenz - Bildung. Soziale, emotionale und kommunikative Kompetenzen von Kindern und Jugendlichen , 2nd ed., Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden, 2014, pp. 375–384.
B. Kottmann, in: C. Rohlfs, M. Harring, C. Palentien (Eds.), Kompetenz - Bildung. Soziale, emotionale und kommunikative Kompetenzen von Kindern und Jugendlichen , 2nd ed., Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden, 2014, pp. 375–384.
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40629
Lehrer in zwei Lehrämtern. Plädoyer für einen gestuften Lehramtsstudiengang
B. Kottmann, Schulverwaltung Nordrhein-Westfalen 23 (2014) 100–101.
B. Kottmann, Schulverwaltung Nordrhein-Westfalen 23 (2014) 100–101.
2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40766
Optimizing spatial filters for the extraction of envelope-coupled neural oscillations
S. Dähne, V.V. Nikulin, D. Ramírez, P.J. Schreier, K.-R. Müller, S. Haufe, in: Proc. Int. Work. Pattern Recognition In Neuroimaging, Tübingen, Germany, 2014.
S. Dähne, V.V. Nikulin, D. Ramírez, P.J. Schreier, K.-R. Müller, S. Haufe, in: Proc. Int. Work. Pattern Recognition In Neuroimaging, Tübingen, Germany, 2014.
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40775
Testing blind separability of complex Gaussian mixtures
D. Ramírez, P.J. Schreier, J. Vía, I. Santamaría, Signal Process. 95 (2014) 49–57.
D. Ramírez, P.J. Schreier, J. Vía, I. Santamaría, Signal Process. 95 (2014) 49–57.
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40771
A Bayesian approach for adaptive multiantenna sensing in cognitive radio networks
J. Manco-Vásquez, M. Lázaro-Gredilla, D. Ramírez, J. Vía, I. Santamaría, Signal Process. 96, Part B (2014) 228–240.
J. Manco-Vásquez, M. Lázaro-Gredilla, D. Ramírez, J. Vía, I. Santamaría, Signal Process. 96, Part B (2014) 228–240.
2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40770
Optimum analog receive filters for detection and inference under a sampling rate constraint
M. Stein, A. Lenz, A. Mezghani, J.A. Nossek, in: Proc.\ IEEE Int.\ Conf.\ Acoustics, Speech and Signal Process., Florence, Italy, 2014.
M. Stein, A. Lenz, A. Mezghani, J.A. Nossek, in: Proc.\ IEEE Int.\ Conf.\ Acoustics, Speech and Signal Process., Florence, Italy, 2014.
2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40772
Spatial Shaping and Precoding Design for Underlay MIMO Interference Channels
C. Lameiro, W. Utschick, I. Santamaría, in: Proc. Int. ITG Work. Smart Antennas, Erlangen, Germany, 2014.
C. Lameiro, W. Utschick, I. Santamaría, in: Proc. Int. ITG Work. Smart Antennas, Erlangen, Germany, 2014.
2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40773
Information-preserving spatial filtering for direction-of-arrival estimation
M. Stein, M. Castañeda, J.A. Nossek, in: Proc.\ ITG Int.\ Work. Smart Ant., Erlangen, Germany, 2014.
M. Stein, M. Castañeda, J.A. Nossek, in: Proc.\ ITG Int.\ Work. Smart Ant., Erlangen, Germany, 2014.
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40776
Neue Anwendungsgebiete für Computer Assisted Surgery (CAS)
P.J. Schreier, ForschungsForum Paderborn 17 (2014) 24–30.
P.J. Schreier, ForschungsForum Paderborn 17 (2014) 24–30.
2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40774
Will the 1-bit GNSS receiver prevail?
M. Stein, J.A. Nossek, in: Proc. of IEEE/ION PLANS 2014, Monterey, USA, 2014.
M. Stein, J.A. Nossek, in: Proc. of IEEE/ION PLANS 2014, Monterey, USA, 2014.
2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40768
An asymptotic GLRT for the detection of cyclostationary signals
D. Ramírez, L.L. Scharf, J. Vía, I. Santamaría, P.J. Schreier, in: Proc.\ IEEE Int.\ Conf.\ Acoustics, Speech and Signal Process., Florence, Italy, 2014.
D. Ramírez, L.L. Scharf, J. Vía, I. Santamaría, P.J. Schreier, in: Proc.\ IEEE Int.\ Conf.\ Acoustics, Speech and Signal Process., Florence, Italy, 2014.
2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40767
Regularized successive interference cancellation (SIC) under mismatched modeling
J. Tong, Q. Guo, P.J. Schreier, J. Xi, in: Proc.\ IEEE Work.\ Stat.\ Signal Process., Gold Coast, Australia, 2014.
J. Tong, Q. Guo, P.J. Schreier, J. Xi, in: Proc.\ IEEE Work.\ Stat.\ Signal Process., Gold Coast, Australia, 2014.
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40764
Information-preserving transformations for signal parameter estimation
M. Stein, M. Castañeda, A. Mezghani, J.A. Nossek, IEEE Signal Process.\ Lett. 21 (2014) 866–870.
M. Stein, M. Castañeda, A. Mezghani, J.A. Nossek, IEEE Signal Process.\ Lett. 21 (2014) 866–870.
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 38088
Real-time coherent detection of phase modulated ultrashort pulses after time-to-space conversion and spatial demultiplexing
D. Shayovitz, H. Herrmann, W. Sohler, R. Ricken, C. Silberhorn, D.M. Marom, Optics Express 22 (2014).
D. Shayovitz, H. Herrmann, W. Sohler, R. Ricken, C. Silberhorn, D.M. Marom, Optics Express 22 (2014).
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 38089
Time-multiplexed measurements of nonclassical light at telecom wavelengths
G. Harder, C. Silberhorn, J. Rehacek, Z. Hradil, L. Motka, B. Stoklasa, L.L. Sánchez-Soto, Physical Review A 90 (2014).
G. Harder, C. Silberhorn, J. Rehacek, Z. Hradil, L. Motka, B. Stoklasa, L.L. Sánchez-Soto, Physical Review A 90 (2014).
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 38090
Quantum teleportation from a telecom-wavelength photon to a solid-state quantum memory
F. Bussières, C. Clausen, A. Tiranov, B. Korzh, V.B. Verma, S.W. Nam, F. Marsili, A. Ferrier, P. Goldner, H. Herrmann, C. Silberhorn, W. Sohler, M. Afzelius, N. Gisin, Nature Photonics 8 (2014) 775–778.
F. Bussières, C. Clausen, A. Tiranov, B. Korzh, V.B. Verma, S.W. Nam, F. Marsili, A. Ferrier, P. Goldner, H. Herrmann, C. Silberhorn, W. Sohler, M. Afzelius, N. Gisin, Nature Photonics 8 (2014) 775–778.
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 38091
A source of polarization-entangled photon pairs interfacing quantum memories with telecom photons
C. Clausen, F. Bussières, A. Tiranov, H. Herrmann, C. Silberhorn, W. Sohler, M. Afzelius, N. Gisin, New Journal of Physics 16 (2014).
C. Clausen, F. Bussières, A. Tiranov, H. Herrmann, C. Silberhorn, W. Sohler, M. Afzelius, N. Gisin, New Journal of Physics 16 (2014).
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 38095
Generation of Nonclassical Biphoton States through Cascaded Quantum Walks on a Nonlinear Chip
A.S. Solntsev, F. Setzpfandt, A.S. Clark, C.W. Wu, M.J. Collins, C. Xiong, A. Schreiber, F. Katzschmann, F. Eilenberger, R. Schiek, W. Sohler, A. Mitchell, C. Silberhorn, B.J. Eggleton, T. Pertsch, A.A. Sukhorukov, D.N. Neshev, Y.S. Kivshar, Physical Review X 4 (2014).
A.S. Solntsev, F. Setzpfandt, A.S. Clark, C.W. Wu, M.J. Collins, C. Xiong, A. Schreiber, F. Katzschmann, F. Eilenberger, R. Schiek, W. Sohler, A. Mitchell, C. Silberhorn, B.J. Eggleton, T. Pertsch, A.A. Sukhorukov, D.N. Neshev, Y.S. Kivshar, Physical Review X 4 (2014).
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 38092
Full-field reconstruction of ultrashort waveforms by time to space conversion interferogram analysis
D. Shayovitz, H. Herrmann, W. Sohler, R. Ricken, C. Silberhorn, D.M. Marom, Optics Express 22 (2014).
D. Shayovitz, H. Herrmann, W. Sohler, R. Ricken, C. Silberhorn, D.M. Marom, Optics Express 22 (2014).
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 38094
Tomography by Noise
G. Harder, D. Mogilevtsev, N. Korolkova, C. Silberhorn, Physical Review Letters 113 (2014).
G. Harder, D. Mogilevtsev, N. Korolkova, C. Silberhorn, Physical Review Letters 113 (2014).